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Fashion is Genderless

Essay Instructions:

more than 1500 words + at least 5 multimodal elements

Use the outline you wrote and add at least 2 more sources


Research a variety of texts in your chosen topic. From these texts, develop a question that is important and undecided in this field. Reading the texts again, more carefully, gather evidence related to that question and write a position paper which states your position on the question based on the evidence you have found so far. (Always leave room for your position to change as you encounter new evidence in the future!)

Analyze the primary text in your topic and at least two other secondary multimodal texts to support your position.

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Fashion is Genderless
Fashion is genderless. Indeed, I support it since it can be a significant tool that not only brings people together regardless of their gender or sexual orientation but can also enable them to express themselves. Genderless is a concept of clothing that means free of feminine and masculine preferences. Elsa Schiaparelli, a fashion designer, introduced gender-neutral clothing in the 1930s by cutting skirts, which she used to make culottes for her couture collections (Salsabila). In Indonesia, genderless fashion has been increasingly liberating since people can wear hoodies, jeans, t-shirts, and oversized blazers without considering gender. One-Off One designs clothes are wearable for all individuals without reinforcing male or female models. Gender neutrality is the new revolution in the fashion and beauty industry. Individuals have the right to express their beauty without prejudice based on sexual orientation or gender. Fashion and beauty is genderless and can accommodate all people whether heterosexual, non-binary, or transgender.
Non-binary and transgender people should be represented equally in fashion. I believe many firms are stuck with the traditional ways of doing things and fail to recognize some contemporary changes, such as hiring transgender and non-binary individuals. Alok Vaid-Menon suggests that companies should revise hiring structures to amplify the representation of transgender and non-binary in senior leadership positions (BoF Team). Diversity in the fashion sector can be enhanced by appreciating people from different races, sizes, and genders. For sure, individuals should be employed based on their academic and professional qualifications without their gender and sexual orientation being considered. Vaid-Menon is a supporter of gender neutrality, and this fashion designer and performance artist believe genderless fashion is the renaissance, but not the death of fashion. Figure 1 shows Vaid-Menon at a 2019 BoF VOICES (BoF Team). The fashion designer championed the beauty of non-binary and transgender people, which is why he brought awareness about genderless fashion. Some of the challenges encountered by transgender and non-binary individuals in the fashion industry might limit their capabilities. Executives, thought-leaders, and entrepreneurs to allow non-binary and transgender individuals to participate in the workplace without stereotyping them. Genderless fashion is a revolution in the fashion industry that considers people’s differences and can accommodate non-binary and transgender people.
Figure 1
Alok Vaid-Menon
(Source: /podcasts/beauty/the-bof-podcast-clothes-have-no-gender/)
Transgender and non-binary people should be accommodated in the fashion industry by promoting diversity and inclusion. Notably, the fashion industry is different now than it was about six decades ago. Transgender and non-binary individuals are not asking for more, but only to be recognized, accommodated, and given an opportunity to participate in the fashion sector like other people. Currently, they are obliged to conceal their identities so that they can get life-changing opportunities or succeed in the fashion industry (Campuzano). The sexual orientation of non-binary and transgender people should not be suppressed. For example, April Ashley was among the first fashion transgender model who was highly credited and appeared in editorials for some high-profile magazines, including Vogue, but her sexual identity was concealed (Campuzano). There exist many people like Ashley, who are creative and talented, but they cannot show their talents and creativity simply because they are transgender and non-binary people. The few who might decide to come out regardless of the negative criticism are discriminated against such that not many companies are willing to hire them. On that note, transgender equality is crucial since it is the only way that non-binary and transgender individuals can be recognized in the fashion industry and get rewarded and appreciated for their outstanding work. Fashion is not gender-segregated, meaning that non-binary and transgender people should be allowed to facilitate entirely. In reality, fashion should be among the sectors that promote uniqueness, creativity, and talent of transgender and non-binary individuals so that others can follow.
Transgender and non-binary should be perceived as unique gender types and they deserve equality in the fashion industry. That is why people should start using gender-neutral language to appreciate the uniqueness of others’ sexual orientation. For a positive change to occur, people should start changing the language they use when talking about transgender and non-binary individuals. Languages significantly influence how specific groups of people are perceived in society since it is a powerful tool for communication. They shape gender separation and discrimination against non-binary and transgender people (Boroditsky). Language significantly influences the structural quirks in society. Individuals express their sexual orientations or gender using languages, which is why appropriate terms and phrases should be used not to offend non-binary and transgender people. Traditionally, the stereotypical two-way gender was enhanced by language, where individuals were perceived as males or females. This is the notion that has been continually carried along in contemporary society. Many people know that if one does not identify as a man then she has to be a woman. However, it is time for individuals to start using gender-neutral language. That is the only way that people can appreciate and start to recognize transgender and non-binary individuals who have been ignored or their sexual identities suppressed to fit in society. Language shapes people’s perceptions and decision-making processes. As a result, it affects how individuals are thinking and can be used as a powerful tool to start recognizing non-binary and transgender people in the fashion sector.
Figure 2
Gender-Neutral Words
(Source: /story/how-to-use-gender-neutral-words)
Gender equality in the fashion and beauty industry...
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