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American Political Science Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:

American Political Science

Essay #2 It has often been said that the power of the American presidency mostly involves the power to persuade rather than to command. Taking into consideration all that you have learned in this class, write an essay elaborating on: 1) how Congress and the Supreme Court can constrain presidential power; 2) why the president has more power with regard to foreign policy than domestic policy; and 3) how presidents have sometimes been able to use executive orders to accomplish important goals by command.

You don't have to use all of the following sources, just take something that you need. But you can't use sources other than these.

The provided sources are really important. Please focus on the key points that were covered in these articles and cite these articles as much as you can.

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American Political Science
Based on America's history and politics, voting for a President is a contentious one attracting debate from various quarters. What constitutes an ideal President for American citizens? During election campaign periods, presidential candidates seduce voters with all manner of promises enshrined in their manifestos. Candidates from both the Democrats and Republicans in gaining access to the White House have used luring voters by candidates in American history as a means. A famous promise used by most US Presidential candidates is that of uniting Americans together, which now sounds like a cliché in the political niche. Rather than delivering the Americans' unification, elected Presidents disappointingly leave the office with the United States (US) more fragmented. The US Presidency position is filled with many expectations, some of which are deviating away from reality. The power of the American Presidency mainly involves the power to persuade rather than to command.
How Congress And The Supreme Court Can Constrain Presidential Power
One of Barack Obama'sObama's 2008 campaign was centered on his ability to form new coalitions in Washington. Forming new alliances by Obama implied that he had to reach out to the Republicans to push his Congress's agenda and policies. However, the Republicans' resistance dealt a blow to Obama's expectations, forcing him to seek alternative legislative accomplishments (Nyhan (2014). In a show of how Congress can constrain presidential power, he had to opt for using executive orders in driving through his policies, such as on the environment and immigration. Analysts, however, argue that had President Obama not pursue reforms in the health care sector and having a less detached and professional personality, he could have won the support of the Republicans in Congress.
Supreme Court
The US Supreme Court's values and legitimacy opinions are debatable as they rely on ideology. In some instances, the Supreme Court can become an obstacle when it comes to the President discharging his executive powers. Hoping to deliver his pre-election promises, a President can be surprised in scenarios where his policies might be termed unconstitutional in some aspects by the Supreme Court. In such a situation, the Courts constrain the Presidential powers. Since the Supreme Court operates independently within the judicial framework, the courts sometimes get many things wrong, Gerken (2015). From another perspective, despite all the Supreme Court's limitations, there are pros of such an institution in American society. Supreme Courts act as a pillar of ensuring the day's government is not enormously influential towards violation of citizens' rights and privileges.
Why the President has more power with regard to foreign policy than domestic policy
The Constitution offering the federal government the authority to countercheck other branches' excesses; the same is different for certain presidential circumstances. When a President opts to act unilaterally on foreign policies, checks provided by the Constitution are limited. A President in the US has tools such as presidential directives and powerful incentives in making deliberations on policy change (Christenson and Kriner, 2020). An ideal example of a sitting US President having more power on foreign policy than domestic policy is in the case of the Mexico wall. Trump is seeking to progress his agenda of erecting this Wall, and...
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