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Analytic Essay: American Political Science

Essay Instructions:

American Political Science

Essay #1 In the early part of this course you were told that the theory of American government led to a system which may not be very efficient but is excellent at preventing things we don’t want. As a result, we have a political system that maximizes input into the decision-making process. But the system is also one that minimizes the potential for policy change.

Write an essay explaining this state of affairs, focusing on: 1) how interest groups make their points of view heard through the political process, and the factors that make them more likely to be successful; 2) the various procedural roadblocks to passing legislation through the Congress; and 3) how the lack of party discipline makes it more difficult for Congress to pass legislation than in a parliamentary democracy.

You don't have to use all of the following sources, just take something that you need. But you can't use sources other than these.

The provided sources are really important. Please focus on the key points that were covered in these articles and cite these articles as much as you can.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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American Political Science
The American government's theory is considered and referenced as one of the working systems across the world. The process of voting political contestants into public office is a complex one involving the voting process. The voting process by citizens is a system whereby voters cast their votes in an election process. The majority of votes one determines a winner. Scheduling of the voting process across the world has some voting schedule is regular. In contrast, others take a considerable long time before the subsequent voting. There is debate surrounding the whole process of voting based on public participation, intervals of voting, and the importance of voting on citizens' lives. For example, in the United States (US) and Switzerland, voting occurs regularly compared to the rest of the world. In the US, the voting systems meant to set up governments are one, which can be discussed to improve certain aspects.
How interest groups make their points of view heard through the political process.
Interest groups in the US, such as the minority, can air their views through the political process. African Americans are an ideal example of a minority group in the US. Political parties such as the Democrats are a promising avenue where minorities can make their voices heard in the political process. With the US experiencing low voter turnout, US presidential contestant Hilary Clinton had a plan to roll out voters' automated registration. Besides, Clinton was planning to increase the time range in early voting Lane (2015). Like other minority groups in the US, African Americans face discrimination regarding national interest matters, such as electoral participation. The Republican Party, for example, has faced condemnation accused of erecting hurdles to limit voter turnout on minority groups. Through political parties such as the Democratic Party, however, the minority groups in the US have been able to air their grievances through the political process.
Factors facilitating the success of minority groups.
In airing their points of view by the minority groups, certain factors facilitate the minority to be more successful in their demands. An increase in participation rates among minority groups will ensure that such groups elect candidates suited to advocate for their concerns and challenges in a multiracial society. Former President Obama and Hilary Clinton proposed a raft of measures in seeing minority groups' grievances are heard. Based on the concept of universal suffrage, every citizen should be accorded a chance to take part in the election process. After attaining the age requirement of voting, not every citizen should consider a person's social background to dehumanize people of different backgrounds. Regular elections, too, aid in making the minority become more successful in their demands. Elections provide a platform from where elected leaders can make decisions and implement policies in favor of the electorate after they get into office. Like Switzerland, the US has a political culture of conducting elections regularly compared to other parts of the world. Regular elections, however, are argued to lead to voter fatigue and subsequent low voter turnout.
Various procedural roadblocks to passing legislation through Congress.
The US Congress is tasked with passing legislation, and there exist roadblocks in attempting to pass legislation. Levinson (2012) argues that the American political system based on critics is a dysfunctional one as a Constitution's product. The Constitution itself can be an impediment when it comes to the passing of laws in Congress. According to Levinson, the w...
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