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Interest Groups: Types and Functions

Essay Instructions:

You need to make sure you answer the essay questions as thoroughly as possible. The answer must be in sentence and paragraph format, no outlines. You need full sentences and college level writing (few, if any, writing errors). You will probably find the essay at least 1 1/2 pages. No plagiarism accepted.

Answer the following questions:

Define interest groups. Discuss the different types of interest groups. Why have interest groups flourished in the United States? Discuss and explain the functions interest groups provide to society? Explain makes an interest group powerful? List and discuss the sources interest groups use to influence policy making? Tocqueville and Madison had different views on interest groups. What were these views? Are interestgroups a threat to the political system or do they contribute to its proper functioning? Why?

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Interest Groups
Define interest groups
Interest groups are organized associations or groups of people that seek to influence public policy based on a common interest (Lumen 1). They share a common interest and work together to influence government policies and decisions. Interest groups attempt to accomplish their goals by lobbying— attempting to pressure policymakers to gain policy outcomes in their favor.
Discuss the different types of interest groups
The different types of interest groups include: - economic interest groups, public interest groups, single-issue interest groups, and multi-issue interest groups. Economic interest groups advocate for the economic interest and benefits of their members. They include groups representing business, labor, professional, agricultural, and consumer interests. Public interest groups advocate for the public good or common well-being (Lumen 1). They work for the benefit of the entire society. Some of the issues this category advocate for include environmental protection, quality health, and good governance (Berry 284). Single-issue interest groups focus on the advocacy around a single defining issue. An example of a single-issue interest group is the National Rifle Association that advocates for the rights of gun owners. In contrast, multi-issue interest groups focus on various issues, including taxation, abortion, and animal rights.
Why have interest groups flourished in the United States?
Interest groups have flourished in the United States because the US tops the list of mature democracies in the world. As such, interest groups can present their interests freely as they participate in government decisions and policies. In other words, the strong democracy in the US has enabled interest groups to flourish in the country.
Discuss and explain the functions interest groups provide to society?
One of the functions of interest groups is representation. They represent the society’s political, social, economic, and ideological interests by evaluating the member’s concerns and formulating positions on public issues. Another function is education. Inter...
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