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The George Floyd Case After-Effects: Police Abolition

Essay Instructions:

Due Date

Saturday, July 3, 2021

11:59 PM

Points Possible


You will answer ONE of the three prompts attached using material from the class. Please write a 4-5 page double-spaced and submit it through Blackboard. You are required to use at least 3 sources from the class including articles, movies, and podcasts. You can also use the “suggested” material.

Your final essay is worth 35 points of the total class grade. It is due on July 3rd, 2021 at 11:59PM. Please plan accordingly.

You will be graded on the following:

Answering the question

Originality (I don’t expect cheating, but I will be checking for this using “Safe Assign”)

Using the correct format. 4-5 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Attaching a “works cited”/”references” page. Your references page DOES NOT count as one of your essay pages. For instance, if you write 5 pages, your entire paper will be 6 pages including citations.

Turning your assignment on time. If you turn your assignment late, you will lose 5 points each day your essay is late.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
The George Floyd Case After-effects: Police Abolition
People always ask what natural justice is. For some, justice serves as a medium of respect to the victims and creates a ripple that affects their life, either good or bad. At the same time, others refer to justice as a caste system where inequalities arise due to the different forms of power and opinions (Pellissery). With the George Floyd case at hand, the difference of opinions has scattered, which made revolutionary impacts towards one of the forces that govern justice and law. This paper will tackle police systems’ issues and how creating a considerable gap can occur when changes happen.
The Caste System
In the subcontinent of India, the caste system was referred to as how people are divided through their hereditary groups. It is a system where ranking is emphasized, and low-ranking people are called untouchables while the opposite of them is exclusive for marriages (Hoff). With hierarchy in mind, the definition of the caste system by Wilkerson also represents truth. She defined it as an artificial hierarchy between supreme individuals towards those categorized as weak and below them. It is where the inferiority of the people of lower rank in the hierarchy and the superiority of those on top are emphasized. In some cases, such as the United States, race-based hierarchy can still be observed.
This is supported by Alexander where she stated that even though people of color have been given opportunities of being successful and be key figures in society, racial hierarchy and discrimination still occur. Although people, who are being discriminated against due to their race, have equal rights by laws, social hierarchy can still be found within the society. One example would be how the hierarchy is presented between LGBT people of color, non-LGBT people of color, and those who are white LGBT in terms of poverty. It was described that LGBT people of color are two times more in terms of poverty compared to non-LGBT people of color. However, compared to white LGBT, the poverty of non-LGBT people of color is six times more (Center for American Progress). This implies how poverty and gender identity also cause hierarchy within the society.
The call for the case of George Floyd can also be referred to as an example where according to Weine et al., his death caused a great stir and uprise a movement that was up until now struggling to present their voices. They stated that the death of George Floyd at the hands of a White Police, together with another teenage black child done by a Brazilian Police, made news to the public how discrimination and domination occur just because of their color. Barbot even stated how the events caused a great disturbance and a moral injury to the public, especially during the pandemic. This ripple brought forth the chaos that police forces have to face for the rest of their lives.
The Impact
When Hiemstra defined the United States detention and deportation system into various confusing branches and resulting in chaos, it similarly dictates the current addressee. She also elaborated that because of the systematized chaos, inefficiencies of the system would be undergone, and people would not even have a clue of it existing. Moreover, when related to the current topic, the inefficiencies would serve to be the caste system, and the protestors’ retaliation would be the result of the chaos.
Fleetwood & Lea defined defunding in police forces as lessening the said organizations’ funds and the removed budgets to social services and crime-prevention organizations. This implies that police forces are being cut off with monetary supply, where some percentage of their budget and payroll are being removed. They also described how defunding, in some cases, can be served as the first step for the complete removal of forces. It is like an initial abolition before the end process of elimination.
On the other hand, the same authors also stated that not all cases of de-funding bring peace to the police department. Despite it being an effective countermeasure for a sure and rapid change, it is still likely not to cause the same result to other locations. This idea is supported by Michalski & Rushin where they presented that defunding can be an accurate move f...
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