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A Solution to Change the Climate Analysis

Essay Instructions:

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Choose ONE of the technologies mentioned:

Removal of CO2 via Direct Air Capture

Capturing CO2 and turning into stone (CarbFix)

Liquid hydrocarbon fuels from sunlight and ambient air (Concentrated Solar Power Reactor)

Carbon capture and reuse projects (Carbon Upcyling Technologies, Breath, etc.)

Cloud Augmentation (Marine Cloud Brightening Project)

Solar Geoengineering

Measuring Carbon with LIDAR (JEDI Program)

Find 1 reputable sources of information (5 pts):


Technology website

Journal article

Government report


All sources must be cited with MLA citation format

Format: 2 (FULL) pages, single spaced, not including references section (7.5 pts)

Must have the following sections:

Introduction (5 pts)

Briefly introduce the project or program you have chosen

Environmental Context (5 pts)

Describe how it came to be used, what climate change problem does it solve

Professionals involved (Scientists, Engineers, etc.)

Equipment or apparatus used (Basic overview, name, concept science)

Potential Usage (7.5 pts)

Industrial, commercial, residential

State why this is so useful

State how much of an effect it may have

Feasibility (5 pts)

State if the technology can be scaled to meet demands

If not, then why not (Cost, space, people?)

If yes, then describe the potential process

Environmental and Social Impact (5 pts)

What potential problems may be introduced if the technology is scaled up

Provide at least 2 short-term and 2 long-term examples

What are the effects on community and individual health

Regulatory Measures (2.5 pts)

What steps will local or federal government need to take to make sure this technology can be implemented on a global scale

Conclusion (5 pts)

Provide a summary of what you have learned

Your thoughts on the use of this plastic and possible alternatives.

References (2.5 pts)

Use EasyBib or some other reference service

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Course Number
A solution to Change the Climate
Solar Geoengineering
Solar geoengineering, also known as solar radiation management, is a set of technologies projected to deliberately alter the earth's radiative equilibrium by changing the atmospheric absorption of greenhouse gases. This technology usually works by reflecting or blocking a small percentage of external solar radiation. Current studies have depicted that some proposed solar geoengineering approaches could minimize climate change and its correlated risks globally, effectively, inexpensively, reversibly, and rapidly. The technology has also been found to be feasible, and at the same time, they pose numerous social challenges and physical dangers. However, solar geoengineering might be needed to stay within globally agreed upon warming restrictions.
Environmental Context
One suggested solar geoengineering technique aims at increasing the albedo of comparatively dark stratocumulus clouds. Since clouds are composed of a substantial amount of tiny water droplets, they are made brighter by using cloud condensation nuclei into the minor atmosphere. Another method utilized by Solar geoengineering is fluctuating the earth's radiative equilibrium by snowballing outbound longwave radiation. Typically, clouds reflect inbound short-wave radiation, and according to researchers, cirrus clouds of high altitude have a warming effect. Therefore, dispersing these clouds would minimize global warming by using a bismuth triiodide, an ice nucleus. Even though the thinning of cirrus clouds might lower the earth's temperature by 1.4 degrees Celsius, it can also possess a net warming implication. However, (Lohmann & Gasparini, P.252) have noted that cirrus cloud thinning is not stringently solar geoengineering but is satisfactorily similar in significant regards to being classified in addition to that. The professionals involved in this include solar engineers, political scientists, meteorologists, Informational Technology Experts, and cartographers.
Potential Usage
Nearly every work nowadays utilizes models and, to a minimal extent, n...
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