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Mill's Philosophy on Liberation of Women

Essay Instructions:

Philosophy 104 Short Paper

Due at 11:59 PM Monday, May 17, 2021. Upload a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file to the Assignments page of the Blackboard site.

Write 4-5 double-spaced, 12-pt. pages on one (1) of the following topics.

1. Plato and John Stuart Mill evidently think that morality is objective rather than subjective. How can this be? What, according to each, is the objective moral reality? That is, what, according to each thinker, are the things that make moral beliefs true? How, according to Plato and Mill, do we learn or come to know about that reality or those things? According to each thinker, are there other beliefs besides moral ones that we develop in the same way?

What do you think of Plato’s and Mill’s moral pictures? Pick your favorite and criticize the other, or criticize both from your own standpoint. Make a convincing argument against one or both thinkers.

2. A very harsh criticism people sometimes make is to say of someone: “For him, the end justifies the means.” What does this mean? Is it true of Mill? How would he respond to this criticism? Is this a good response?

3. How will Mill deal with the parable of the utilitarian sheriff? He is defending a lone prisoner from a lynch mob threatening to kill hundreds if they don’t get their hands on the prisoner. Is this like the trolley problem? What do you think of Mill’s solution to these problems?

4. Mill argues that the liberation of women will produce justice in society. But he also claims that it will produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number. How are these ideas connected, in Mill’s view? What do you think and why?

5. Why might you expect a utilitarian to embrace Mill’s “harm principle”? Why might you not expect that? What do you think of the principle? Is it the same as Libertarianism?

6. Explain Judith Jarvis Thompson’s argument involving the violinist. What is she trying to prove, exactly? Criticize her argument. How might someone try to show that she has not really proven the moral acceptability of any abortions? Can she respond to this challenge?

7. Rosalind Hursthouse thinks that guilt is sometimes appropriate for an abortion, even if the abortion is the right thing to do! Why? What is her final conclusion about the wrongness or rightness of abortion? What do you think of her arguments, especially her idea that “personhood” is irrelevant to the rightness or wrongness of abortion?

8. In “The Wrong of Abortion,” Lee and George argue the following:

Translate this into more ordinary English and respond. Do you agree? If not, why not? If you do agree, why might somebody disagree, and why would that person be wrong?

9. Singer argues that “speciesism” is like racism:

Translate this passage. What do you think of it? What’s wrong with it, if anything? Or, why might someone disagree, and how can this claim be defended against a critic?

10. Come up with your own topic, and pass it by the instructor.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
May 2021
A Research Paper in Philosophy on
Liberation of Women by Mill
Since time immemorial, women have been subjected to different kinds of abuse and have been maltreated by men. Women weren't given any right to speak or express their thoughts and opinions. They were given the least priority in society and weren't even allowed to experience the freedom of education and expression. As the days and years went by, women started to stand up for themselves and fight against the atrocities committed against them and because of their bravery, the women at present are finally experiencing the freedom to stand equally with men.
In this paper, Mill argued that justice is produced in the exercise of the liberation of women. He also said that women's liberation will result in happiness. This paper focuses on the argument of Mill and supporting literature review to back up his theories.
Literature Review
John Stuart Mill is a Modern British Philosopher in the 19th Century who emphasized the Utilitarian form of Philosophy that was also started by Jeremy Bentham and focused on individual liberation and determination in the democratic communities in America. He centralized on the rights of women and the responsibility of the State to protect them from harm and persecution.
In the 19th Century, the world was led by men and if women do not submit to men, they will be punished accordingly (Shipka T., 2021). Women are only required to be wives and do household chores. They were not allowed to work in shops or the corporate world. They were supposed to stay at home and focus on child-rearing. It was indeed an unfair treatment of women limiting them even when they are talented or skilled to reach their dreams. They were not allowed to be successful or victorious and men lord over them as the weaker sex. Women did not see their value nor worth in those years and were suffering at the hands of abusers and persecutors.
Mill started a wave of causes that primarily focused on the rights of women to legal and social equality. During those times wherein women are not allowed to speak by men, only one man was brave enough to stand on behalf of these women. Women in the 19th Century were subordinate to the laws and customs of men. They were expected to only act as mothers and household workers that is focused only on family matters. They weren't allowed to study or acquire education, not even allowed to save up and increase their wealth. They were not allowed to vote nor act as Juries in Court prosecutions. They were not allowed to have a profession, work, or trade. They were supposed to stay inside the home only and take care of the children. Sadly, they were not also allowed to file for divorce and separate from an abusive husband. Furthermore, they were also not allowed to travel on their own. Women lived in fear and have their husba...
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