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Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

Essay Instructions:

 Answer two questions in the instruction and each answer should no fewer than 500 words. Please do no use outside resources, only use the sources I attached.

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Q1.Social and Historical Construction
Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
This section of the paper describes how behavior differs from identity among gay people and how they are shaped by the legal, cultural, and socio-economic processes. Gays are homosexual men. Gay people are usually born male, but their behaviors lean more to the female gender and would, in most cases, want to be identified as female or may have more sexual feelings for the same male gender. Some gays, though physically exhibit female characters. For instance, you might find one to apply make-up like a woman, dress in women’s clothes, and want to be treated like a woman.
The gay community has grown over the years to the point that they are accepted in particular political, social, legal, and religious spaces. Moreover, this growing phenomenon has been shaped by specific cultural, legal, and socio-economic processes. One of the social aspects of life that have supported gay culture is that there have been cropping up of social joints strictly meant for gay people in the recent past. In the article Gayola: Police Professionalization and the Politics of Francisco’s Bars, 1950-1968, the writer A case in point is the writer Christopher Agee presents a scenario where gay people for the first time in the 1960s when gay people got space to interact away from the stigma and discrimination that they faced from straight people in traditional social joints. Through, gay bars were a social outfit for straight people. Today, there are many gay bars worldwide (Agee, pp 462-489).
Culturally, pop culture has contributed so much to the growth of the gay and lesbian culture over the years. From the newspapers, music videos, films, TV, magazines, and the internet, the media and pop culture have supported the gay community. According to the article Constructing the “Good Transsexual,” Christine Jorgensen, Whiteness, and Heteronormativity in the Mid-Twentieth-Century Press, Christine Jorgensen, we note that through Jorgensen’s talk shows he promoted the gay culture. Having undergone sex reassignment surgery, he became a role model to most gays in Denmark and worldwide. He also attracted the attention of the media. Through that, he introduced many Americans to the world of transsexuals, appeared in clubs, and starred in the film Christine Jorgen Story that was produced in 1967. Also, after the gay affair being driven in motion pictures, it moved to the magazines like News Week, Time, daily newspapers like Daily News, and tabloids like Whisper (Skidmore, pp 270-300).
Also, though the LGBT community today has seen some rights improvements, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender of color have seen more racial and gender discrimination than their white counterparts. The Hispanic and black LGBT community have been killed or discriminated against based on their sexual and gender inclinations. A case in point is Orlando's Pulse Club scenario that saw lesbians of color killed by straight allies and accused of being a terrorist. This cultural homophobic perception made the LGBT community live in fear and also fought for their rights in equal measure (Garber, pp 318-31.
In addition, the religious world has also accepted the LGBT community to a certain extent. The supportive remarks of Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio on the LGBT (Who am I to judge?” elevated the hopes of the LGBT Catholics globally. Today there are LGBT churches, and evidently, the community has grown. Although some countries like Yemen, Uganda, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, the community is still outlawed (Somerville, np).
Some countries provide gay and lesbian persons the right to associate, marry, and even have families in the legal space. Though some countries do not subscribe to same-sex marriages, today, gay relationships and marriages are accepted in certain jurisdictions. Through the Vermont law of that validated same-sex civil unions, Massachusetts in 2004 became the first state to perform same-sex marriages. The Larence v. Texas case of 2003 also marked the end of state sodomy laws and lesbianism, and Gayism was not treated as a criminal offense moving forward.
Historical Understanding of Cisgender and Transgender
Historically, there are various forms of gender identities. First, cisgender refers to a person whose gender and identity correspond with their birth sex. Transgender are persons whose gender identities are different from the gender they were assigned at birth.
Historical Understanding of Transgender
Historically, transvestite dates back to 1910 when Magnus Hirschfeld, a German sexologist, had his first sex change. The term transsexual was used until 1949, when the term transgender was coined in 1971. However, in America, in 1952, the country witnessed its first Trans woman after a sex reassignment surgery and went public. Due to her public appearance, the Trans rights movements started to come out publicly and started to fight for their rights, especially against the police that constantly harassed them. The rights movement was aided by the Cooper Donuts Rights of 1959, the Compton’s Cafeteria Riot of 1966, and the Stonewall Riots of 1969. In 1970, the FTM International was started by Lou Sullivan, while some women feuded over including or excluding Tran’s women. In the 1990s and 2000s, we witnessed the Transgender Day of Remembrance being started, and the Trans person marches around the time of Pride intensified. Transgender politicians were also elected in their countries in the same year. They were rep...
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