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A Comedian who Shared his Personal Experiences

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Assimilating Despair
Hassan Minhaj is a comedian who shared his personal experiences in one of his stand-up shows. As he cracks jokes about his experiences, he leaves a mark on his audience’s perception of the Asian American experience, vivid through their expressions and reactions. Minhaj starts his show by explaining how immigrants are pretty secretive and how their parenting is different from native parenting (Minhaj 3:47 - 14:00). He gives a funny example of his tender age, living with his dad. They both go shopping at a supermarket, and he picks soda, which pisses his dad, but he lets him have it. A few minutes later, he topples over due to his laces and the soda breaks. The father looks around to confirm no one has their eyes on them, and he slaps Minhaj so hard (Minhaj 8:10). The crowd breaks into laughter, playing out the child’s scenario in their heads.
Minhaj compares brown parenting to native parenting stating how whites beat their children on the arms and legs, and they do it lightly such that bruises are only physical. On the other hand, brown parents slap the faces and leave bruises on the child’s soul (Minhaj 11:25). The audience at this moment is a bit shocked, and he addresses it, saying he is aware some people are concerned if he was okay. Minhaj explained those harsh beatings were what made the children grow up to intelligent, disciplined individuals. The reason behind the young Indian adults winning spelling bee contests, and the crowd still slightly shocked, laughs in agreement (Minhaj 18:20).
Minhaj talks about his parents’ secretiveness and how that is a thing for immigrants. He mentions that he never got to know his father well despite living with him throughout his childhood and teenage years. Whenever he asked his father what he liked or his favorite color, his father would urge him to study hard or make sure he went to Stanford. Later on, he learns that his mother is a ninja while his father is a communist, and he wonders why his father tells him these things when they are no longer relevant (Minhaj 6:00 - 7:15). Another incidence he mentions is when his mother returns to California, and a little girl accompanies her. All along, Minhaj was not aware he had a little sister until he sets eyes on her. Minhaj expresses his feelings through his tonal variation and facial expression such that the audience shows compassion on their faces (Minhaj 25:05 - 32:40).
Minhaj captures the audience with the 9-11 story. He explains how that evening after the attack on American soil, his father sat the ent...
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