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Religion & Theology
English (U.S.)
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The Catholic Worker and the Poor

Essay Instructions:

Question 1:
How do the works of Dorothy Day and Fr. Guttierez contribute to your understanding of the role Catholic worker in service to the poor? How do they view poverty and inequality? How are they similar or different in their approaches to the circumstances of the poor? How does spiritual / political activism of the Catholic Worker or lay person effect the 'common good'? What qualities do they share? Cite examples from text. (250 words)
Question 2:
Analyze one of the three poems by Hopkins to show how he expresses in poetry the sacramental principle of God’s presence in nature. Give examples from his unique vision, his description, his phrasing. What do you see or hear or feel that communicates God's presence? How does Hopkins bring you intensely close to his subject, or distant? What is God's "presence" as you understand it here? Do you have other thoughts about God's presence? (250 words)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Catholic Worker and the Poor
Dorothy provides some great insights concerning the role of the Catholic Worker in the service to the poor. She notes that God has shown himself to us through the poor around us. If we help the poor, we are advancing the greatest commandment, which is love. She notes that “He has shown himself to us in them” (Day, 106). Gerard, on the other hand, notes that the world is charged with the grandeur of God. The grandeur of God is most present when we consider the love of God. The catholic worker should extend love to the poor. Both Dorothy and Gerrard view poverty as a deprived state where the affected person lives on the breadline. Gerard notes how the life of a human being is smeared with toil. Dorothy, on the other hand, reflects on the hopelessness present at St. Joseph’s House on Chrystie Street. The hopelessness was brought about by poverty. Despite these observations, Dorothy notes that the poor around us help us extend the works of mercy. These writers have some similarities and differences in approaches to the poor. Both agree that poverty is a state of great deprivation where the affected person barely survives. The main difference is that Dorothy largely focuses on the role of the Catholic Christian in helping the poor while Gerard mainly focuses on the plight of the poor. The spiritual activism of the catholic worker/ layperson helps advance the common good, for it ens...
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