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Religion & Theology
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Religion and Secular Practices Impact in Countries' Economic Development Around the World

Essay Instructions:

You will want to research articles that clearly reference specific financial data including special financial studies and reports, profit/loss reports, Gross National Products (GNP), and financial percentages that are being generated for a particular locale as the result of a religion that we have or will study only in this class.
Your essay should include the following and should have a publication date of 5 years or less:
Seek out and read a Current Affairs article of interest that details a contemporary religious worldview from among those we will study in this class and the impact it is having on a particular marketplace and economy in society today.
These types of articles can be found in a variety of resources including the Online Library, our Course Guide, journals, newspapers, magazines, documentaries, news and world financial reports, websites, and through online searches.
Pick just one (1) article and write a 2-3 page review and analysis of just that one article. Your review should be in the form of a literary review or a movie review encouraging your audience to either read or ignore it.
Provide all of the required bibliographical material and citations for locating the resource including title, date of publication, publisher, website, and all retrieval information.
Your essay is best written in two parts:
Summarize the main content of the article written from a Third Person perspective.
Provide your personal analysis of the article from a First Person perspective including:
The main purpose why this author wrote the article?
What were the strengths and weaknesses of this article and why?
Evaluate the financial data and does it support the thesis?
How does the article relate to this course of study and a religious worldview impacting an economy?
Identify new insights gained from the article.
Offer your personal recommendation for the article and why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code/Title
Countries Could Become Richer by Becoming Less Religious, Study Claims
The value of including social minorities in developed nations characterized by rampant discrimination has been a serious agenda among international organizations such as the United Nations. In 2018, research published in Newsweek found that religious tolerance in society was directly associated with economic growth and that countries could witness an increase in the gross domestic product (GDP) of up to $5000 after three decades if they embraced secularism (Andrew). In the study conducted among 109 countries around the world, The Economic Times reports that secular countries are likely to become richer compared to religious nations (The Economic Times). This study was published in the Science Advances journal and found religion to be an important determinant of the economic prosperity of countries globally. While reports have always indicated that secular nations are more prosperous than religious countries, it is unclear how secularism works to increase the wealth of nations. Contrary to these new developments on the relationship between religion and prosperity of nations, James Williams in 2000, has provided a rebuttal, claiming that Christianity has made significant contributions to human development (Williams). This paper discusses the impacts of religion and secular practices in countries around the world on economic development through a study conducted in the United States between 1900 and 2000.
Classic social scholars such as the French sociologist Emile Durkheim and German sociologist Max Weber supported claims that religion has a close connection with economic growth. Durkheim pointed out that once a country becomes affluent, the meaning of religion is lost while Weber argued that changes in religious beliefs are engines to economic prosperity. In the study conducted by the Universities of Bristol in Tennessee and the UK, data from birth cohorts in the United States extracted from the World...
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