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Reflection Project 2nd Quarter Spirituality and Cinema. Religion Essay

Essay Instructions:

Apologetics: Why We Believe Religious Studies 12 Reflection Project 2nd Quarter

Spirituality and Cinema: Deep Reflections, Deep Questions!

God’s Not Dead!: The movie!

You MUST watch the entire movie before attempting this essay. We will watch the first 30 minutes in class on Tuesday, 12/18.

The project is due Monday, 1/7/19. If you are not in school it MUST be emailed by this date to be considered on time, a hard copy is to be delivered to class on your return.

The project should be no less than 400 words.

Please follow all MLA guidelines.

MUST be submitted to PlagScan by Monday 1/7/19, 11:59pm.

Paper will receive a failing grade if it is not submitted to PlagScan.

Submission instructions are below.

Through the lens of Apologetics please discuss:

>Discuss in detail the three parts of the movie which you found particularly moving and meaningful. Explain why.

> Discuss in detail the spiritual and moral issues presented in the movie.

> Select three main characters in the movie and write a character analysis for each.

> Did Josh Wheaton prove his point? Did Prof. Radisson prove his point? Explain.

> Discuss your own thoughts as they pertain to the movie. On a personal level, in first person, answer the question in depth, “Is God Dead?”

Do NOT write a summary of the movie!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:Course:
Reflection Project: Spirituality and Cinema
Discuss in detail the three parts of the movie which you found particularly moving and meaningful. Explain why.
Part 1
The first part that I find particularly moving and meaningful is the one that involves Ayisha and her father. Having been born in a Muslim family, the expectation is that Ayisha will be Muslim and is thus expected to follow the doctrine and values of the Muslim religion. However, as seen in the movie, she is forced to wear a hijab whenever she is at home and with her father, but will always remove it when she is at school. Her ordeal is one that many people go through when born in a particular religion, one is not given the freedom to choose but is expected to assume the parent’s religion. Some parents like Ayisha’s goes to the extent of forcing and denying their children the freedom to choose what they wish to believe in.
Part 2
The second part involves Marc Shelley and Amy Ryan. The two had been romantically involved, but the moment Amy falls ill, Marc distances himself from her and makes it clear that their relationship was one based on convenience and how much one can get from the other party. This moment is moving and meaningful because it showcases moments when people find themselves in need of a shoulder to lean on but in the end find themselves alone. Amy thought she had it all and would never lack a shoulder, but in the end, she realizes that she is and has been all alone. It was quite sad that she found herself in that situation. Even though it worked out for her best, it was a teaching moment that emphasized issues like emotional attachment and true love.
Part 3
The third and last part also involves Ayisha and her father. This happened when Ayisha was kicked out of her house because of her newfound faith. This moment is moving because the events hurt both. Ayisha is hoping and wishing that her father would forgive her and let her stay. On the other hand, her father is also angered and hurt because he feels like he needs to rid his house of any hint of anti-Islam rhetoric. However, he does realize that he is kicking his daughter out of his house. So, it hurts him, and he does end up crying over it, but even when he was doing it, there was a hint that he might let her stay.
Discuss in detail the spiritual and moral issues presented in the movie.
The spiritual issues presented in the movie include faith and the fight for one’s faith. Faith is an emotional topic and, in the movie, it causes family breakups, divorces, and also helps others to remain staunch in their belief. However, one thing does stand out: how far...
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