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Religion & Theology
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Discussion of Faith and "God's Not Dead"

Essay Instructions:

Please discuss both in two separate paragraphs:

1. Professor Radisson says, “Science and reason have supplanted faith.” Josh says, “You don’t have to commit intellectual suicide to believe in a Creator behind creation.” Who do you agree with? Why or why not? What examples from science and reason does Josh point out to make his case for the existence of God?

2. Reflection: Discuss two parts of the movie which you found particularly moving and meaningful. Discuss the Spiritual and Moral issues presented in the movie. Analyze the effect of Josh’s willingness to take a stand.

Do NOT write a summary of the movie!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Q1. Professor Radisson says, “Science and reason have supplanted faith.” Josh says, “You don’t have to commit intellectual suicide to believe in a Creator behind creation.” Who do you agree with? Why or why not? What examples from science and reason does Josh point out to make his case for the existence of God?
I agree with Josh. From the analysis of various intellectuals of science and reason, their main issue is to suppress faith. The arguments from these sources cannot prove that God is not dead and/or exists. In most cases, the reasons for people to supplant existence of God are because the Creator did not come to their rescue when they needed his help. For instance, the argument by Professor Jeff Radisson is actually personal and has no intellectual backing (Zamkowska 38). However, because of the theoretical explanation made before against the existence of God and his position, he tries to convince his students that God is dead. Following a heated debate between Radisson and Josh, Radisson confesses that he hates God because the Creator allowed death to take away her mother. From this reply, it is clear that the Professor bases his reasons on emotions. He actually demonstrates his belief that God exists and since he did not meet his needs she wants to use his intellectual prowess to dismiss God’s existence.
The statement by Josh shows that faith supersedes intellectual ability. According to Josh, using intellectual ability to manipulate other people against the existence of God is against spiritual values. It is God who gives that intellectual ability and he has the ability to take it away because he created it. According to Josh, one would not commit intellectual suicide to believe in God and have faith that the Creator exists. Josh illustrates that he is ready to forsake all the material and immaterial things provided by the world to prove existence o God. The failure...
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