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Rituals in Religion

Essay Instructions:


What is the importance of ritual in religion? Your paper explores this question by looking at the theories of Seligman and Bell predominately, but also through the analysis of several different types of ritual. First, make sure you offer a solid understanding of the importance of ritual through Seligman and Bell. Next, you will analyze the following in terms of the theories:

1. The Ainu Bear Sacrifice, on Bb

2. The Sun Dance, from Lame Deer

3. ONE of the videos posted on Bb What’s going on? Describe the ritual. What would Bell say, and how would she classify it? Anything to add with Seligman?

Other tips:

1. This is a formal paper. No use of “I” and no personal faith statements. You are pulling from the assigned texts only.

2. You may want to watch the videos a few times. Be sure to cite specific examples in the film you’ve chosen.

3. You should have a strong introductory paragraph and a strong conclusion.

4. Watch grammar, syntax, spelling, and organization. Proofread proofread proofread!


6. Pull your information from the texts. Show where you’ve quoted, including the page number. A paper without works cited will not receive a grade AND WILL NOT BE ALLOWED A REWRITE.

7. Papers should be around 5 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font. MLA format (you’ll find a guidelines sheet under COURSE INFORMATION if this is new).

8. Page numbers page numbers page numbers! A paper without showing the page numbers of your use of the text will not be accepted, and a paper without using the text will not be accepted, NOR WILL IT BE ELIGIBLE FOR A REWRITE.

9. Pay attention to the guidelines regarding plagiarism and academic dishonesty. You’ll find guidelines on the syllabus. You are also submitting your work to Turnitin, but Turnitin may not catch everything. Remember to be objective in your analysis. You are using academic terms, not personal opinion. Have fun! – viewer discretion required for some of the videos.I will list the videos you can choose from down below and the texts that should be used are listed in the guidelines, please let me know if you have any questions.

Videos for the Ritual Paper Videos for the Ritual Paper (CHOOSE ONE)

-Crocodile Scars https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=oJDOh3VSoxQ

-Apache Rite of Passage: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=-dr-cv71kjo

-Dancing on Knives https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=AAybclN6ugk

-Cactus Drug Ritual https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=-dr-cv71kjo

-Self Possession https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=D9Tki660vGU

-Fulani Initiation https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=81JPj8BqBBQ

-Land Diving https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=l0Mq6rCfYtU

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Rituals in Religion
Since time immemorial, rituals have been a common feature of all human societies. As such, adherents affiliated with religions have had an affinity with diverse rituals for different purposes. Religious ritual refers to ceremonies that involve a series of actions stipulated or associated with a religious institution, custom, or belief. Ordinarily, their principal function is to communicate with supernatural powers or deities. Examples of rituals, which can be performed individually or collectively, include baptisms, prayers, and mourning performed after death. As Seligman et al. put it, rituals involve more doing than saying (4). By all accounts, rituals are an integral aspect of religion, and they play critical functions, such as allowing believers to exercise or reaffirm their religious beliefs.
Ritual and its Consequences
Observers have variously tried to fill rituals with diverse meanings and elaborate explanations. According to Seligman et al., a ritual is a form of orientation to action that provides a framework that makes it possible to understand human activities beyond what happens in conventional places (5). In essence, what makes an action qualify as a ritual is its framing or how people carry it out. For example, one can perceive the partaking of the Eucharist as a ritualistically framed action. Conventionally, eating bread and wine is a dime a dozen, but when done in the church to commemorate something, it becomes a ritual.
Undeniably, religion and ritual join at the hip, and trying to separate them would be an undertaking in futility since they share a mutual importance. In religion, ritual, for instance, makes it possible for people to live in a fundamentally fractured and discontinuous world (Seligman et al., 11). It does so by formulating temporary order by creating and recreating a world of social authority that transcends the will of individuals. Further, ritual plays the critical function of addressing the relational aspects of role, self, and other. In other words, ritual recognizes boundaries and provides a vehicle to overcome them (Seligman et al., 12). For example, in Jewish daily prayers, devotees proclaim their numerous weaknesses but almost immediately declare they are God’s people of the covenant who will overcome all challenges. In addition, doing away with boundaries instead of absolutizing them helps maintain interaction and solidarity. Equally crucial, ritual allows individuals to not only tolerate ambiguity but use it creatively as a tool to cope with contradictory demands and life impulses.
Basic Genres of Ritual Action
If her sentiments are anything to go by, Bell suggests that various theories of ritual have classification systems that enable analyzing a wide range of ritual activities. The classifications, often convenient in a descriptive way, support particular beliefs besides reinforcing assumptions associated with the ritual (Bell 93). For example, one classification theory distinguishes instrumental from expressive rituals. According to the theory, instrumental rituals attempt to accomplish a given objective while expressive ones voice feelings or communicate ideas. As Bell contends, some types of rites provide a pragmatic compromise between completeness and simplicity (94). Conventionally, such rituals are rooted in believing and worshipping divine beings and are associated with clearly defined religious precepts. Examples include rites of passage, calendrical and commemorative, exchange and communication, feasting, fasting, and festival rites. These rituals are critical and play diverse functions in religion.
In Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism, various rites of passage mark the lives of adherents. For instance, the rite of baptism ostensibly removes the stain of the original sin and paves the way for converts to gain acceptance into the community of the reborn (Bell 98). In essence, it provides individuals with a sense of belonging to particular groupings. The same rings true in Judaism, where a series of rites of passage enhance the self-worth and esteem of individuals. For instance, the ritual of the bar and bat mitzvah initiates young people into adult responsibilities (Bell 98). Further, calendrical rites give order and definition to cultural life cycles and create an ever-renewing time cycle. In some religions like Buddhism and Islam, adherents routinely consult astrological calendars before engaging in such rituals as ordinations, funerals, or groundbreaking rites of construction sites. Similarly, rites of exchange and communication enhance the relationship between adherents and their respective deities. In this regard, believers make offerings to gods, expecting to receive something in return (Bell 108). The expectations include but are not limited to, bumper harvests, long lives, or redemption.
The Ainu Bear
The bear festival is practiced by the Ainu, who live in Northern Japan and ...
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