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The Nature of God and the Coming of Jesus According to the Book of Isaiah

Essay Instructions:

Sometime Isaiah teaches us about God through praise, sometimes through words and deed. The book of Isaiah speaks about God and compares Him to false gods and speaks clearly of the coming of Christ Jesus.

The following questions need to be answered in the essay:

1) What does the book of Isaiah teach us about the nature of God?

2) What does the book of Isaiah teach us about the coming of Jesus? and how does it show us typology and dual-fulfillment (think Immanuel) What does Isaiah say that Jesus will be like and that he will do?

3) How does the book f Isaiah intent that we respond to what it is teaching us about God and Christ?

There should be a 4 quotes from the Bible. The thesis should be in bold.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Nature of God and the Coming of Jesus According to the Book of Isaiah
The book of Isaiah, written by the prophet Isaiah himself, has several affirmations about God. Throughout the book, Isaiah talks about the coming of a redeemer and instills hope all through Israel. Isaiah's prophecy about the redeemer aligns with God's plan, a plan of how a prophet brings hope to his people, especially when facing hardships; he brings forth a promise of hope. The book portrays God's nature as holy, the creator of the universe, and a mighty God who works and causes all things to happen for the good and well-being o his children. Though the people of the earth are sinful and deserve punishment, Isaiah portrays God's nature as just and merciful, who has given us salvation through His son Jesus Christ. The essay will unveil the nature of God, according to the teachings from the book of Isaiah, teachings about the coming of the son, Jesus Christ, and how the book intends people to respond to the teachings about God and Jesus Christ.
Isaiah describes God as holy beyond human understanding and is present with us. In Isaiah chapter 6, verse 1, during Prophet Isaiah's commission, he talks about seeing the Lord seated on the throne and highly exalted (You Version). In verse 3, the Seraphims above him called and declared God's holiness, saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty." (You Version). Here, God is being glorified as a Holy God, his essence. This teaches Christians that God is holy in all ways. In his encounter with God, Isaiah testified to God's glorious and holy nature, recognizing his purity and righteousness. His holy and Gloriousness fill the entire earth, and his splendor and excellence are experienced by those who believe and trust in Him.
Isaiah described God as a creator, mighty in all His works. In Isaiah chapter 51, verse 3, it is written that "God will comfort Zion, and rebuild all her ruins; He will restore her vibrance by making all deserts like Eden and all wastelands like god's garden" (You Version). These words portray God's nature as a creator and wonderful in all His deeds. In Isaiah, chapter 40, God is described as the creator of the entire earth (You Version). God used His words to command creation; everything He created was good and appealing. Isaiah acknowledges this fact in chapter 45, when he says that God did not create chaos, he creatively formed the universe so that people could inhabit it because He is the Lord, and there exists no other God but Him (You Version).
Isaiah further describes God's nature as being just and merciful. In Isaiah Chapter 30, verse 18, "The Lord desires to show His graciousness to all men. He will therefore arise to show compassion for He is a just God, and all people who wait upon Him are blessed" (You Version). Here, it is clear that God is merciful and just. His just nature makes Him merciful, and everyone who hopes and waits on Him will be blessed beyond mea...
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