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Religion & Theology
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Ecclesiology Journal. Religion and Theology Essay

Essay Instructions:

The following video by Jefferson Bethke went viral immediately after it was posted. Bethke makes multiple assertions about religion (as the institutionalized church). Explain and evaluate one of these assertions. Construct a response in light of this week's lecture material, readings, and biblical texts (Brunner must be one of your two sources).

Here are some public responses to Bethke's original video: "How to Fight the Man" and "Churchless Jesus."




A journal question for the weekly theological topic will draw on major themes from other common core

courses, contemporary political and ethical situations, perennial Christian debates, and common life

experiences. Each student will submit a 300-word journal in Blackboard that includes:

1) Substantive reflection on the weekly journal prompt.

• Substantive reflection entails following prompt instructions to examine, evaluate, and/or construct ideas

(not merely a personal response or “here’s what I think” statements).

2) Incorporation of two sources from the week’s lecture and study materials.

• Incorporating sources from the week enables students to bring ideas together, find connections, or

engage further with the material. Make a note of the source and page number is parenthesis after using

lecture and study materials. Due to the brief length of these posts, avoid extensive quotes. Instead, quote

helpful phrases or words.

The Journal prepares students for seminar discussions, develops the ability to utilize theological language and

ideas, and provides practice in constructing a theological response to a particular situation. Students are

responsible for bringing a paper or electronic copy to seminar for use in the discussion.

Instructors use the following rubric to assess journals:

5- Substantive reflection AND use of 2 sources from lecture/study folder

4- Insightful reflection and use of 1-2 sources

3- Minimal (or maybe adequate) reflection and minimal use of sources

2- Does not address the question of the prompt OR offers only personal opinion

1- Disregard for the assignment

0- Assignment not submitted

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Ecclesiology Journal
You might never have thought of picking Jefferson Bethke out of the lineup, but your children will definitely do. He is, no doubt, a YouTube star and the creator of “Churchless Jesus.” His video went viral in no time and was viewed by over 10 million people in a few hours. The number of views is counting day by day, and all this is because of Jefferson Bethke’s unique idea and presentation (Richter 2018).
The video opens with a statement: What if I told you Jesus had come to abolish religion? From this very first statement, we get to know why Bethke’s video struck chords. The YouTube star believes that religion is all about one’s respect and appearance. In his video, Jefferson can be seen calling religion one of the human inventions and Jesus the work of Almighty God. He feels that Jesus has come to this world to confuse people and make them feel bad. He introduced a lot of concepts, ideas, and theories that w...
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