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Religion & Theology
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Sacramental Life Journal. Religion & Theology Essay

Essay Instructions:

All good theology ends in ethics, meaning theology should direct how we live and act. Our world is full of people and places (the poor, the outcast, the suffering, the lonely) in need of God’s love and peace in concrete forms.

Imagine yourself writing a weekly blog (maybe you already do), and you want to articulate a theological argument to persuade your readers that it is necessary for Christians to respond to a particular situation.

Choose a situation that you believe is in need of God’s love and peace. Describe it in 1-2 sentences. Here are some example situations (but you are not limited to these): care of the earth, slave trade, education reform, poverty, mistreatment of people based on gender, race, disability, or sexual orientation, bullying, health care, disaster assistance, high rates of unemployment, refugees.

How does the Bible help you interpret the situation? (Your answer to this question should direct you toward one of the theological topics we have covered this semester.)

Why does this situation need to be addressed or changed? Construct a brief theological argument by engaging with one of the course topics. Your argument should include: 1) an explanation and evaluation of a reading and/or lecture material from the course, and 2) define the type of change called for if we "lived" this theology (make it concrete). For example, Jesus’ work on the cross includes Jesus standing in solidarity with the sufferer, which compels us to stand with those who suffer OR to participate in Trinitarian love compels us to reconcile with Christians with whom we disagree.

A journal question for the weekly theological topic will draw on major themes from other common core

courses, contemporary political and ethical situations, perennial Christian debates, and common life

experiences. Each student will submit a 300-word journal in Blackboard that includes:

1) Substantive reflection on the weekly journal prompt.

• Substantive reflection entails following prompt instructions to examine, evaluate, and/or construct ideas

(not merely a personal response or “here’s what I think” statements).

2) Incorporation of two sources from the week’s lecture and study materials.

• Incorporating sources from the week enables students to bring ideas together, find connections, or

engage further with the material. Make a note of the source and page number is parenthesis after using

lecture and study materials. Due to the brief length of these posts, avoid extensive quotes. Instead, quote

helpful phrases or words.

The Journal prepares students for seminar discussions, develops the ability to utilize theological language and

ideas, and provides practice in constructing a theological response to a particular situation. Students are

responsible for bringing a paper or electronic copy to seminar for use in the discussion.

Instructors use the following rubric to assess journals:

5- Substantive reflection AND use of 2 sources from lecture/study folder

4- Insightful reflection and use of 1-2 sources

3- Minimal (or maybe adequate) reflection and minimal use of sources

2- Does not address the question of the prompt OR offers only personal opinion

1- Disregard for the assignment

0- Assignment not submitted

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Professor Name
Sacramental Life Journal
The world we live in is full of controversies, tensions, conflicts, and issues. Some people suffer from health complications while the others have insufficient educational facilities. I was born and raised in a low-income family where everyone had to work hard to earn a living. In my childhood, my parents sent me to school, but they could not continue doing so because they wanted me to work in a nearby shop to meet the expenses (Andrus 2009).
I used to see other children buying costly outfits and meals, and this made me feel bad. In some situations, I had lost my faith in God, but eventually realized that this is not the end of the story. As is mentioned in the Bible, God has made Adam from the dust, meaning all humans are equal and deserve the best. This idea helped me boost my confidence to an extent (Fagerberg 2015).
Today, as an uneducated adult, I understand that life is valuable and that we should learn to face all problems of life. The Bibl...
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