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System of Education in Herland and How Freire Would Interpret It

Essay Instructions:

II. Essay Questions. Respond to one of the questions below. The response must be 3-5 paragraphs.

I. Pick a character from Herland and describe how they would fit in on a current US college campus using Steinem, Newman, Freire, or Deresiewicz to support your answer.

II. Using either the first formulation of the categorical imperative, the second, or both, analyze chapter one or four of Deresiewicz’s text.

III. Explain the system of education in Herland. How would Freire interpret it?

You can choose whatever question

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System of Education in Herland and How Freire Would Interpret It
System of Education in Herland
Herland is a 1915 utopia novel written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, which features occurrences in a normal community. Among its defining features is a system of education that reveals the rationale of education in a society and its important among women. Therefore, Herland’s education system is experiential, which reflects the traditional education system of Europe, North America, and Australia. In this system. Learners participate in the learning activity by actively engaging in the learning process. It is an experience-based learning system, which is more than just cognitive learning.
This form of learning occurs when a responsible participant engages cognitively, affectively, and behaviorally in processing knowledge during the learning process. It is based on six tenets, one of them being that the learning exercise is perceived as a process rather than an outcome. Therefore, learners constantly get the feedback needed to improve upon their learning. Learners in Herland appear to obtain new knowledge and attitudes by meeting the four approaches that characterize experiential learning throughout the story. They exercise their concrete experience potential, participate in reflective activities, learn from abstract conceptualizations, and undertake experiments to put into practice whatever they learn. Experiential learning becomes more effective when the learners are able to utilize their skills in their daily lives.
Therefore, it is evident that education in Herland depicts a form of development that places human development in the societal context. The learners develop n...
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