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Uplug Day Essay

Essay Instructions:

Uplug Day Essay. Please pick a day to completely unplug from internet, phone, and social media

contact in general; details will be provided in class (worth 10 points). Then, write a 2 page essay in

which you describe your experience (in the first paragraph of your essay), link your experience to

some aspect of Section 2 of the course (in the second paragraph of your essay), and reflect on your

experience (in the remainder of your essay; in your reflection, include information on how you intend

to either continue your current practices or change your current practices [and why]). Please use 1 inch

margins all around, Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced; use the full two pages, but no more.

Your essay will be graded using the following guidelines: turned in on time (2 points), correct format

and length (2 points), clearly describe your experience (2 points), clearly and insightfully link

experience to course content (2 points), and clear and thoughtful reflection (2 points). I will read one or

two exemplary essays to the class (with the author’s permission). As per university policy, the

following Honor Pledge must be written or typed at the bottom of your essay, followed by your

signature: “I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this assignment, and

that this work is my own.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unplug Day Essay
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Unplug Day Essay
Technology has revolutionized their way of living in diversified ways; for example, it has paved the way for the most sophisticated pieces of equipment such as mobile phones, tablets, and other smart devices. I believe mobile phones are the most used gadgets in the world, actually, from my neighborhood everyone has a mobile phone including the underage. Internet and mobile phones have become inseparable entities, and that is what we are relying upon to learn the world.
Experience 1
This is a unplug day, and I am focused on keeping off my mobile phone off the charge, not accessing the internet or social media platforms. It is around 5 pm in the evening, and the experience of staying off the internet is quite awkward because I am used to being with my phone every other minute. I read some stories over the media before today, and I wonder how some people stayed off the internet for more than six months. It is one of the challenging exercises; for example, focusing on other things becomes a bit complex because most things are tied with phones. However, as far as the boredom is concerned, I have found a sense of belonging in the last 4 hours. I have been meditating about the few areas I have been underperforming, and most importantly, I have just figured out how to solve the problem.
Although it is challenging, probably this is the only solution toward self-awareness, whereby ...
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