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Rhetorical Analysis: What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

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Rhetorical Analysis: What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

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Rhetorical Analysis
What do you want to be when you grow up? Unless you were born yesterday or have been living on another planet, you must have heard about or at least been asked this question. For most of us, this question means choosing that one thing which we aspire towards. However, Emilie Wapnick has a differing thought. While giving her talk on ted titled why some of us don’t have one true calling on April 2015, Wapnick argues that it is indeed okay not to have that one thing one needs or feels they need to achieve. She opines that while the society may have tuned us towards such a mindset, it is indeed okay to be interested in several things and lack a single calling or purpose. Wapnick not only presents a topic which is of great interest to many people but also uses humor, involves the crowd/audience in her talk, uses credible examples, and also provides some personal facts about herself which help to justify her stance.
In her talk, Wapnick begins by asking the audience a question which immediately creates or generates a connection and endears her to them. She then slowly ushers them into her talk and thesis which simply states that it is okay to be interested in more than one thing in life. She proceeds to show the audience how one could be taken aback or be discouraged by themselves or by the society which holds that everyone needs to find something for themselves and run with it. Wapnick speaks of how being interested in different or several things is seen as limiting and therefore, depicted as a hopeless road by the elders in the society. However, she proceeds to show how some people have thrived in the different fields they decided to pursue in spite of the society’s warnings. Wapnick is not only confident but also makes a highly convincing point as she asks people to pursue that which they feel comfortable with or in.
Throughout her ta...
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