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The Issue of Behavioral Disabilities and Classroom Inclusion

Essay Instructions:

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Queensborough Community College: Department of Social Sciences

PSYC 215: Child Development (Section: H3) [3hr., 3cr]

Task: Identify an issue relating to children and their development with respect to which there could be disagreement or controversy. The issue in question may be of general/national concern or of local interest/concern.

Paper Guidelines: Write a 4-6 page paper that does the following:

1.Clearly describe the issue you chose

2.Describe the opposing positions one may take on the issue, and the general rationale and specific arguments that support either position.

3.Indicate which position you think is stronger. Give reasons for your choice, and also describe and address likely rebuttals/criticisms.

4.(IMPORTANT!!!)Integrate ideas from at least one of the following theories/ideas into your argument:

a.Associative learning (classical/operant conditioning)

b.Constructivism (Piaget’s theory of how knowledge develops)

c.Dynamic systems theory

d.John Locke’s tabula rasa

e.Watson’s “12 healthy infants” claim

f.Attachment theory

g.Vygotsky’s cultural psychology

h.Genetic determinism


j.Gesell’s theory of maturational development


l.Werner’s orthogenetic principle

m.Rousseau’s views on child development

**In addition to the previous criteria, you will also be graded on the extent to which you identify, articulate and consider the relevant complexities and contingencies inherent in your chosen issue.

“Contingencies and complexities” refer to the additional issues that are necessarily entailed in consideration of the original issue. For example, if your paper addresses the issue of whether some educational policy is beneficial for children, you might consider what is/could be meant by “beneficial”, or how particular benefits may only accrue under certain circumstances.

Please point out the theory or idea from the list above which been used in this paper. Thank you.

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The Issue of Behavioral Disabilities and Classroom Inclusion
It is perfectly normal for young children to be impulsive and defiant occasionally, but other children are extremely challenging and have difficult behaviors, which are outside the norm for their age. Such children are said to have behavioral disabilities and engage in practices that disrupt the overall functioning of the classroom or that are harmful to others and themselves. Behavioral disabilities are categorized into two; conduct disorders and oppositional defiant disorders (Better Health). Children with oppositional defiant disorders are characterized by severe negativity, unwillingness to cooperate, and non-compliance. However, children with this condition simply refuse to comply with their peers or adults but are not violent. Approximately one in every ten children below the age of twelve years is said to have the oppositional defiant disorder (Better Health). Conduct disorders are much more severe as the child with this condition is more aggressive and violent. As a result, children are more likely to harm themselves or others. Because of the conditions of such children, there has been much debate over whether they should be included in a normal classroom environment together with children who are normal or whether they should be secluded and taught in special education schools until their behavior has improved. The issue of inclusion presents the various benefits not just for children with behavioral disabilities, but also for normal children. Despite the challenges that inclusion might bring forth, this essay seeks to prove that it is the best approach.
Opponents might claim that children who have behavioral disabilities more specifically conduct disorders should be taught in special education classrooms until their behavior has improved. Such children need an environment that is structured and positive to support their growth, reward desirable behavior, and foster self-esteem. Teachers are often challenged when teaching children with behavioral disabilities, especially when not all children have behavioral disabilities. In this case, it is difficult for the teacher to employ strategies that will cater to both kinds of children without favoring either. Moreover, children with behavioral disabilities need special attention and including such children in the same environment as the normal children would interfere with the learning of other students. Aside from that, children with behavioral disorders can be aggressive and violent, and such behaviors can scare the rest of the children. The child with the behavioral disorder can also hurt their classmates, and this would cause problems for the school. Children with behavioral disabilities also need special attention, and the teachers need to be well trained and knowledgeable on how to handle such children. Enrolling them in a special school ensures that the children are taken care of by teachers who are more experienced in handling individuals with similar cases. However, including the children in a normal school environment will deprive them of the special care they need to recover quickly enough.
Proponents argue that every child has a right to be taught in the most appropriate environment, one that is less restrictive, regardless of their disabilities. Children with disabilities should be educated, live, and work in their own communities. Because of this, it is imperative that schools adjust to accommodate all students, including those with behavioral disabilities. Furthermore, it is important for children without disabilities to encounter and interact ...
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