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Interpersonal Behavior: Types of Love

Essay Instructions:

Please discuss each of the following essay questions. Cite relevant examples from "The Social Animal" by Elliot Aronson and current events or relevant personal experience to illustrate your arguments.

Essay Questions

A-Discuss at least three forms of love that you have experienced or encountered, such as romantic love, friendship, familial love, love of animals. How do these types of love differ from one another? What do they share uncommon? What role does empathy and the concept and practice of "authenticity" and communication(as defined in Chapter 8) play in these various love relationships?

B-Discuss a form or forms of prejudice that you see as significant factors in society today( For example, the biases that may fuel current conflicts, over gay rights, racial and/or gender equality, religion, immigration, disability, socio-economic class, etc.) How can factors such as the contact hypothesis, the jigsaw technique or empathy, help to reduce prejudice.

C-Discuss aggression( For example war, bullying, rape, domestic abuse, etc.) in light of at least three of the following; conformity, mass media&propaganda, self-justification, dehumanization,"nature vs nature", and/ or prejudice.

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Interpersonal Behavior
Types of Love
Love is one of the many emotions we feel. However, love is not like the other old boring emotions that we experience in our lifetimes. It is a driving and guiding force. It can make us ecstatic or miserable. However, whenever we hear about love, the type of love that comes to mind is Eros Love. Eros love is the romantic love we feel for those we are intimate with. Aside from Eros love, there are many other types of love that we experience in our lifetimes. Other forms of love include familial love, love for animals, friendship, love, and romantic love.
This essay discusses three types of love, familial love, friendship, and romantic love assessing their differences and similarities based on some key aspects of love, and analyzing the role of empathy and the concept of authenticity in these forms of love.
The type of relationship majorly determines the levels of intimacy in the form of love. Intimacy itself can be sexual or affectionate or in some cases just the freedom to confide in one another. Romantic relationships encompass all these aspects of intimacy (Zhang and Wang 657). On the other hand, friends and family relationships do not involve sexual contact; however, they do involve a great deal of affection and trust. Regardless of the type of relationship, intimacy works when those involved treat each other as equals and respect is observed in communication (De Dreu, Carsten and Mariska 167)).
About commitment, the levels vary depending on the nature of the love relationship. For example, a couple may vow to maintain an exclusive sexual relationship, a person who is dating may prioritize loyalty to their families and old friends over any romantic relationship, while others may value commitment to family and spouses over commitment to friends. The highest levels of commitment, however, are generated by familial and romantic relationships (Starker 15). Parents often use love as a powerful tool to generate obedience especially when they withdraw love from their children (Aronson 333). Authors such as Richard Rapson and Elaine Hatfield have drawn a clear distinction between passionate and companionate as to broad types of love. Passionate love involves strong emotions, intense preoccupation, and sexual desire, while companionate love is a milder and more stable experience that characterized by some feelings of dependability, mutual trust, and warmth (Aronson 390)
In all forms of love discussed in this essay, there is some level of care and devotion. The brisk of rejection, betrayal or mistreatment is also always there. The other type of overlap common to romantic, family and friendship, love relationships is that they can change at certain points in time. A friend relationship can turn into a romantic one while those in romantic relationships can revert to being friends. Additionally, a romantic relationship features friendship as one of its key components, and romantic relationships can turn into family relations through marriage.
Role of Empathy in Love Relationships
Empathy plays a key role in all forms of love relationships. Empathic abilities in human beings are considered a part of our emotional intelligence. Empathizing with other people enables us to see things from their perspective. Empathic capabilities facilitate the formation of moral code founded on our beliefs of how other people would like to be treated. By knowing someone well, we can correctly predict their likely actions in certain situations- Theory of Mind. Empathy enables us to make appropriate responses in social situations as well as take socially acceptable courses of action in various situations. In love relationships, emphatic abilities for a partner are demonstrated by identifying their feelings (Bartels and Zeki 1157). An emphatic nature brings out patience, kindness, and understanding as well as good listening skills which are crucial elements of a strong love relationship.
The Concept of Authenticity in Love Relationships
Authenticity in relationships means showing the other person exactly who you are, was, the good, the bad without putting on a façade. Authenticity is an integral part of any relationship and is important for both parties in a relationship. Authenticity can spell the difference between a successful, happy and stable relationship and one filled with self-doubt. For family relationships, however, authenticity does not have a major role to play, as it is probable that family members will not need you to tell them who you are, as they already know you.
The form of a love relationship that demands the highest levels of authenticity is romantic relationships. During the early stages of a romantic relationship, one may be tempted to put on a façade to protect them from feeling vulnerable - at this stage; it seems easier than revealing one does. Additionally, it is normal for people to always put their best foot forward in the early stages of a romantic relationship, as they fear to scare off their potential partners with their less than perfect behaviors (DeDreu, Carsten and Mariska 168). Putting on a façade can have severe repercussions on a relationship as with time people start cracking under the pressure of expectation that they place on themselves or the pressure they think their partner is putting on them.
In friend relationships also plays a major role in ensuring a strong, lasting relationship. However, since the stakes and pressure in friend relations are not as high in romantic the relationships, it is rarer for people to be inauthentic in friend relationships compared to in romantic relationships. However, there are still people who resort to putting on masks in order to make friends with certain people.
Racism is a form of prejudice where an individual is discriminated solely because of race (for example, against African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, etc.). According to research, some cultural stereotypes of the various races include: Latinos, cold and unintelligent, Asians are seen as cold, sly and intelligent, Europeans as cold and intelligent, and blacks are stereotyped as aggressive, athletic and carrying the potential of crime (Kahn 264). Racism is in existence for most non-white ethnic groups in the United States of America. For example, vehicles driven by blacks are more likely to be searched during traffic stops than those with white drivers, especially when the blacks are in predominantly white neighborhoods – a phenomenon which has been labeled “DWB” driving while black in full (Sanchez et al. 446). Mexicans living in America and other Latino communities have also been the targets of racism from the police and other members of the public. For example, it is more difficult for Latinos to pay for goods without showing formal identification than it is for whites.
In one incident of racial harassment by police, several officers from East Haven, Connecticut were charged with the continued harassment and brutalization of Latinos. Once the accusations were in the public domain, the East Haven Mayor was asked, “What are you doing for the Latino community today?” The Mayor responded, “I might have tacos when I go home, I am not quite sure yet” (“East Haven Mayor,” 2012). His reply undermines the importance of the issue of racial discrimination by the police while also belittling the culture of Latinos as he emphasizes an interest in a type of food, which has been stereotyped as a Latino thing.
Racial discrimination is also prevalent against other ethnic groups in the US, including Native Americans, Arab Americans, and Jews. One of the reasons why contemporary racial discrimination and prejudice, in general, is difficult to detect is related to the dual attitudes model (Sanchez et al. 457). Human beings exhibit two forms of attitude: explicit attitudes, that are conscious and can be controlled, and implicit attitudes, which are unconscious and not controllable. Since possessing egalitarian views is seen as socially correct, most people will rarely demonstrate extreme racism or other forms of prejudice on their explicit attitudes. However, their implicit attitudes carry much evidence of racial discrimination or other forms of prejudice.
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