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Economic Development and the New Left in Latin America

Essay Instructions:
Students are required to write a short research paper of between 1,000 and 1,500 words. The topic of this paper is “Economic Development and the New Left in Latin America”. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the New Left to contemporary economic development in Latin America. The paper should include a discussion of the following topics: characterization of the New Left in Latin America, its different ideological shades –populist, social-democrat, etc.- and its different social expressions –intellectual left, grass roots left, etc.-, its opposition to neoliberal policies and U.S. hegemony in Latin America, and the relevance of the main causes of the New Left –poverty, injustice, social disparities, etc.- in the economic development debate in contemporary Latin America. Feel free to use examples of countries, movements, leaders, etc. as appropriate. The paper must be written in a proper form, containing appropriate citations for any other author’s work that requires it, using standard English grammar and correct spelling. The arguments made in the paper should be substantiated with evidence in the form of graphs/tables, etc., if appropriate and/or available. While the World Wide Web is a useful source of information, the material posted there is frequently of poor quality and misleading, especially where the source of the material is unclear. Therefore, it is recommended that students consult reputable publications, including books and professional journals. Create the argument that the new left has hindered economic development and use various sources with examples from leaders/ countries showcasing how their actions led to the hinderance. This is the rubric, Demonstrates Shows full competency of the topic. competency Relevance of the Information clearly relates to the of Information main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. Determining the The student can determine the contribution of the contribution to the New Left to New Left contemporary economic development in Latin America Presentation Presentation of work is extremely neat and orderly and is very organized. Transitions A variety of thoughtful transitions are used. They clearly show how ideas are connected. Sources All sources are accurately documented in the desired format Closing The conclusion is strong and leaves Paragrapgh the reader solidly understanding the writer's position.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Economic Development and the New Left in Latin America Introduction The emergence of the New Left posed severe implications for the overall economic developments in Latin America. The New Left emerged as a response to the anticipated failures of the neoliberal economic policies in Latin America during the later 20th century. The series of this revolutionary movement was led by leaders like Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, Evo Morales in Bolivia, and Rafael Correa in Ecuador (Abumere 84). The main agenda of this movement was to advocate for social justice, wealth redistribution, and state-led intervention in economic development. Though the New Left posed an intermixed impact, their undue interventions caused negative impacts on the economic developments in Latin America to a significant impact. Issues like poverty alleviation, economic inequalities, and nationalization of key sectors even smashed the severity of economic disparity at the cost of economic stability in Latin America. Discussion Characterization of the New Left. The New Leftists carry many ideological orientations, including populist, socialist, and social-democratic perspectives in Latin America. The New Leftists’ ideological diversity and socio-economic tendencies are depicted in the approaches and policies that the New Left’s leaders have adopted and displayed. For instance, Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and Evo Morales in Bolivia displayed the populist and socialist traits of the New Leftists who demanded state interventions in economic policies and wealth redistribution (Rodríguez, 172). Michelle Bachelet in Chile, on the other hand, followed a blending of moderate socio-democratic policies that combined social and economic programs. Ideological Shades and Social Expressions. Various social expressions, including intellectual and logical reasoning to grassroots movements, depict the ideological shades and social expressions of the New Leftists. Noam Chomsky is considered one of the prominent ideological figures of the New Left who provided theoretical frameworks for critiquing capitalism and imperialism to New Leftists (Göttems and Mollo 92). These ideological tactics are even displayed in the shades of contemporary economic developments in Latin America. Also, grassroots organizations like the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) in Mexico have encouraged marginalized communities to speak for land reforms and social justice, instigating contemporary economic development. Opposition to Neoliberal Policies and US Hegemony. The New Leftists opposed the conventional neoliberal policies led by US hegemony in Latin America. Neoliberal reforms prioritized market deregulation, privatization, and fiscal austerity at the cost of social and economic justice. Therefore, the New Leftists rose to attain social and economic parity (Madariaga, 224). Leaders like Rafael Correa in Ecuador rose against these policies by implementing protectionism, which aimed to reduce social disparity by asserting state control over economic policies. Relevance of Main Causes to Economic Development. The New Lefts were committed to addressing social issues like poverty alleviation and economic issues like wealth redistribution, which resonates deeply with the debate of contemporary economic developments in Latin America. Socioeconomic policies furthered by neoliberalists posed severe threats to the region’s financial stability (Saad-Filho 232). The initiatives adopted by the New Leftists were aimed at harvesting goodness for the society and economy, but they resulted in economic developments in the long run. Hindrance to Economic Development Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: Economic Interventions by New Leftists in Latin America Country Government Policies Which Affected Economic Development Impact of Policies Venezuela Hugo Chávez Sole reliance on oil exports, excessive social betterment programs with no revenue back Reduced quality of products, excess of corruption Argentina Kirchner Protectionism, currency controls, and extensive social spending Inflation, fiscal deficits, and reduced competitiveness Bolivia Evo Morales Excessive social development programs Excessive natural resource extraction ignored technological advancements and innovations. As shown in ...
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