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4 pages/≈1100 words
Mathematics & Economics
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Overcoming Inflation: Solutions for Millennials and Gen Z

Essay Instructions:

4-page (1000 word) essay in which you argue HOW to SOLVE this problem. Use 2-3 solutions that YOU HAVE COME UP WITH. Your solution should be the thesis statement and each piece of evidence should be a topic sentence. Your ideas should be backed up by 3 sources with a works cited page. The thesis statement must be able to stand on its own. It should be thoughtful and complete. Remember, your audience is your opposition, NOT your friends or those who agree with you.

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Overcoming Inflation: Solutions for Millennials and Gen Z


As the shadow of inflation looms large over the economic landscape of America, millennials find themselves trapped in a financial web that threatens to strangle their aspirations and dreams. The promise of a stable and prosperous future, once firmly embedded in the concept of the American Dream, now appears increasingly impossible. Raised on the tales of their forebearers' accomplishments, millennials are confronted with the stark reality of financial hardship, as inflation erodes their purchasing power, inflates home prices beyond reach, and transforms the once-clear path to success into a n alsmost impossible adventure. This essay explores viable solutions aimed at mitigating the impact of inflation on millennials. It recognizes that the audience may harbor skepticism or opposition to government intervention and proposes solutions that go beyond traditional economic remedies. From subsidized vocational training to foster skill adaptability, incentivizing entrepreneurship to cultivate economic independence, and reimagining social safety nets to adapt to modern economic realities, each proposed solution seeks to empower millennials to overcome the challenges posed by inflation and create a resilient course towards financial stability.

Subsidized Vocational Training

In response to the dynamic challenges posed by rapid technological advancements and evolving job markets, the first proposed solution emphasizes the critical role of subsidized vocational training. Traditional higher education, often burdened by escalating costs and a misalignment with current job market demands, has proven insufficient in providing millennials with the practical skills essential for success 

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