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Understanding the Business Ethics

Essay Instructions:

credit will be based not only on content, but also on how well written the paper is (this includes spelling, grammar, integration of concepts, organization etc.). Sources must be properly cited (please use a separate citation/footnote page which is not included in the maximum number of pages for the paper). Use of source material or content without proper citation or credit may be considered plagiarism and will result in a rejection of the paper for a zero grade. Please be sure that any points made are easy to follow and are not redundant, and be sure the content incorporates methods of ethics resolution. Do not take space by merely repeating the content of the attached page since grading is based on substance. It is more important that the paper be well written as opposed to reaching the maximum number of pages of content.

Watch the movie “Margin Call”.  In no more than three double spaced typed written pages, analyze the business and ethical issues involved in the business practices engaged in by the firm in the movie as well as the individual characters.  Be sure to include a concise discussion of the ethical dilemmas involved, the school of thought employed by the various characters, consequences of the ethical decision made by the leaders of the firm, alternative action the firm (and individual characters) might have considered and the possible consequences of taking a different course of action.  Also include your opinion as to what your recommendation would have been if faced with the same circumstances, the reasons to support your recommendation and the likely consequences of your recommendation.  Be sure to incorporate how the use of one or more models used to resolve ethical dilemmas may have been used to resolve the ethical dilemma and how one or models are used in arriving at your recommendation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ethics- Margin Call
Business ethics are principles that examine ethical problems that can take place in a professional business environment. Typically firms treat such issues using business law; however, many did not pay much attention to the issue despite necessary research in the field (de Bakker et al., 344). For example, the movie Margin Call focuses on the prelude period of the 2008 financial crisis and the unethical conduct of the investment bank and its employees while handling a challenging situation.
The senior management is going against the concept of deontological ethics because they are not treating people with respect and dignity by laying off several employees, including the head of the finance management division named Eric Dale, who was solely working on a project. It led to a complex situation when an employee under him called Peter Sullivan finds out the firm is overleveraged. The ethical issue here is a lack of transparency. Had the senior manager working with a team while keeping all the stats transparent to everyone, they could have identified the problem earlier. Instead, there was a lack of honest disclosure that caused a complex situation. Both the characters demonstrate enlightened self-interest because Dale worked solely on the project, and Peter wanted to make it big in the market and did have some interest in helping the firm, only to benefit himself later on.
Another factor is the school of thought of an invisible hand possessed by Eric Dale. He received many unintended benefits when trying to benefit others by constantly warning them regarding the liquidity problem (Wells). The top management offered him a severance fee to keep the issue low instead of informing the entire organization about it because it would cause an uproar and prevent the assets from being sold effectively.
Sarah Robertson is another character at the top management and was aware of the arising issues and had informed the boss about it; however, they ignored the warnings, and the boss did not pay attention to the issue at hand before it worsened. The management goes against deontology that the rights of individuals should be respected and treated with dignity. They blame her for the wrongdoings and end up firing her instead of agreeing that the company ignored the problem for a long time. The firm’s overall compliance program seems weak as it did not set ethical targets for the employees.
The movie shows that several meetings occur, and Jared Cohen, who was the division head, suggests selling all the toxic assets of the firm to the public to raise funds. That way, only the firm would benefit while others continue to suffer from bad quality assets. It is an unethical practice shown in the movie because they only want to disperse the risk by spreading it in the market. It is an irony that the characters feel they are following the guidelines of utilitarian ethics by making sure a majority of people benefit from their decision because the market was expected to decline either way; however, the management was only benefitting the firm and neglecting many stakeholders in the process. The relationship was not mutually benefitting the minority and majority. The ethically trained management could have approached an...
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