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Micro-Power Plants to Bring Electricity to Millions

Essay Instructions:

Go to www(dot)ted(dot)com (https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/), the website for TED, a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas through short talks. TED stands for “Technology, Entertainment, & Design.” Choose a TED talk that is 10 minutes or less in length. You can use the following link (https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks) to search Ted Talks. The Ted Talk has to be published between 2010-2020. Ted Talks published after 2020 will not be accepted. The TED talk can be on any topic as long as it is personally meaningful. During the Ted Talk, the person must be speaking in front of an audience. After you select the video, watch it. Finally, answer the following SIX questions about the video you watched.

What was the title of the TED talk? Please upload the link to the talk!

When was the Ted Talk published? (Remember the Ted Talk can't be published after 2020).

How long was it? (Remember, it can’t exceed 10 minutes)

Describe the purpose of the TED talk in one sentence

Consider the speaker(s). What 3 techniques held your attention during the presentation? Explain your answer.

Which one of those techniques will you apply to your own presentation? Explain your answer and use examples to illustrate your response. Specifically - you should share the following in your response for #5:

Context. Where would you give a presentation? (e.g., at work? at school during a final presentation)?

Technique Utilization. Drawing from your response to #4, describe where you would use the technique(s) during your presentation. That is, would you use the technique(s) at the beginning of your presentation? During the middle of the presentation? At the end of the presentation?

Rationale. Why do you believe using the technique(s) would make the presentation more engaging for your audience? Provide an example to explain your answer.

Formatting Guidelines!

When responding to the questions:

Copy and paste each question first. Then type in the answer below each question. Make sure you keep the question numbers.

Failure to follow the formatting guidelines will result in -10 points deducted from your assignment.

To submit your assignment, select the Submit Assignment tab on the top right corner of this page, a text-entry page will open. Type in or copy/paste your response. Then select Submit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Micro-Power Plants to Bring Electricity to Millions
1 What was the title of the TED talk? Please upload the link to the talk!
The title of the TED talk I chose for this assignment is Micro-power plants to bring electricity to millions.
The TED Talk’s link is /talks/anil_raj_micro_power_plants_to_bring_electricity_to_millions.
2 When was the Ted Talk published?
The TED Talk was published in December 2014
3 How long was it?
The TED Talk is 7 minutes and 30 seconds long
4 Describe the purpose of the TED talk in one sentence
This TED Talk seeks to inform the audience about the need to consider micro power plants and small-scale renewable energy sources in addressing the energy shortage that manifests in India and most parts of the world.
5 Consider the speaker(s). What 3 techniques held your attention during the presentation? Explain your answer
Through the presentation, Anil Raj leverages several strategies to attract his audience’s attention and keep them engaged. First, he begins by telling a story about the collapse of the Northern Electric Grid in India and its consequent effect on 700 million people who were left without power (Raj 0:21). As expected, telling this story allows Raj to set the stage for his presentation by assisting him in identifying a current problem. Additionally, it attracts his audience’s attention as it helps them appreciate the need for a good solution to the energy crisis as they hope that Raj’s presentation will provide sufficient remedies to this challenge. Secondly, Raj uses humor to keep his audience engaged. In this respect, he asks the audience whether any of them had ever experienced New Delhi’s traffic and asks them to imagine how much worse it would get if the city lacked traffic lights (Raj 0:48). As expected, this piece of humor lives the audience laughing, thus making them more attracted to his presentation. Further, Raj leverages facts and figures to keep his audience engaged. For instance, he observes tha...
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