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Gifts, Loves, and Skills Discovery

Essay Instructions:

Notice that it's a subsequent paper of the order#00149994.

Now that you have completed the four worksheets (i.e., Gifts Discovery Worksheet, Loves Discovery Worksheet, Skills Discovery Worksheet & Strengths Worksheet) from the previous week, it is time to summarize what you discovered.

Notably - you must complete the worksheets to complete this assignment. If you didn't get a chance to do them during Week 5 - please make sure they are completed before you start the assignment. Notably, you will need someone that knows you well to also complete some of the worksheets!

Please answer the following five questions.

Word Count. Your assignment should be between 700 -1100 words. Make sure you check your word count in Canvas or MS Word.

Formatting Guidelines. Please copy and paste the questions. The questions WILL count towards your 1100-word limit.

Name and explain the person that provided feedback on the Gifts Discovery Worksheet, Loves Discovery Worksheet, and Skills Discovery Worksheet. Specifically, you needed at least one person that helped you complete the worksheets. Name the person and explain why you selected them to help you with the worksheets. Why is their feedback helpful?

Describe how getting feedback from others helped you to identify your gifts, loves, and skills. What did you learn about yourself that you didn’t know before completing the exercise?

Gifts are abilities that you are naturally exceptional at doing, often from a young age. Describe the gift that you believe will be most helpful at work. Explain why you selected that gift.

Loves are interests that you have in specific topics or types of work; your hobbies and passions. Describe how your loves will influence the kinds of jobs you’ll seek out in the future

Skills are the knowledge and abilities that you have acquired over time through practice and education. Describe the skill that will be most helpful when you start working.

Strengths are the types of work you do that give you a high likelihood of career success. Strengths are the intersection of your gifts, loves, and skills. Based on your strengths, identify THREE different roles/positions, and describe why you will excel in each of the three jobs.

Your response should not exceed 1100 words. Of note, this assignment is worth 135 points! Take your time in completing it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Skills Assessment Summary
Name and explain the person that provided feedback on the Gifts Discovery Worksheet, Loves Discovery Worksheet, and Skills Discovery Worksheet. Specifically, you needed at least one person that helped you complete the worksheets. Name the person and explain why you selected them to help you with the worksheets. Why is their feedback helpful?
My elder brother helped me fill the three worksheets. I chose him because he has been with me much longer, meaning he knows me well. I asked him to be honest and not factor in the family's emotions when filling it. Being a family means we have had disagreements and good moments, which may influence his feedback. However, I thought he was the best person to give me feedback on these tasks. With the guidance of the professor's instructions, the feedback I received from my brother was crucial because it helped me realize my gifts, loves, and strengths. The feedback has also helped reinforce my career choices and what I need to focus on when building my career and performing my work responsibilities.
Describe how getting feedback from others helped you to identify your gifts, loves, and skills
Feedback from others is significant in helping me identify my gifts, loves, and strengths. Other people give accurate feedback about my interests and hobbies because they see me do them regularly. This is opposed to my answers because I may envy something that I do not regularly do and that may not be an interest. This means that feedback from others gives accurate information. The feedback from other people also helps me focus on my interests and avoid other things I may have mistaken for interests and hobbies.
What did you learn about yourself that you didn't know before completing the exercise?
I learned a couple of things about myself that I did not know before handling the exercise. I learned that people envy me. I used to have low self-esteem, although I did not display it to others. My primary reason for always being open to making friends was to fit into the social constructs in our neighborhood and at school. I did not know that others take that as a gift and that they envy my interaction abilities.
Gifts are abilities that you are naturally exceptional at doing, often from a young age. Describe the gift that you believe will be most helpful at work. Explain why you selected that gift.
Teamwork is a gift that will be more helpful at work for me. Workplaces strive on teamwork and inter-professional collaborations. Members who do not have teamwork capabilities are likely to have a rough time delivering their responsibilities. I am a good team player, which will help me consult widely at the workplace to ensure that I deliver on my mandate. This will also ensure that I work with other employees to improve the quality of services, thus keeping a good public image.
Loves are interests that you have in specific topics or types of work; your hobbi...
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