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Hotel Network Inclusion: Medical Visitors in Hotels

Essay Instructions:


  • Please choose used the mini case attached.
  • Use the mini case questions at the end of the chapter to guide your solution to the case. 
  • Note that the answers to these questions are not solutions to the case; they are simply intended to guide your thought process).

NOTE: Please review the Chapter 1 mini case solution below to assist you as you prepare the paper.

Formatting Guidelines 

(Single-spaced text, 12 point font, 1” margins all around). 

Case Analysis (not including any appendices and references (approximately 1.5 single-spaced pages). 

Each mini case solution must follow the following formatting guidelines:
Three sections consisting of

1) Problem Identification

2) Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis 

3) Recommendations

Problem Identification 

  • Identify the major problems found in the case.  Ensure that you distinguish between causes and symptoms.  Causes may include changing customer preferences, increased competition, etc.  Symptoms include declining revenues, loss of brand equity, increased customer churn, etc.
  • Please support your problem identification by relevant case facts along with the associated theory and concepts.

Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis

  • Conduct research to identify data (e.g., obtain data in the form of trends, statistics, ratings, etc. from the library and other sources) that can be utilized to provide additional insight into the case.
  • Draw appropriate conclusions based on the quantitative analysis of data, while recognizing the limits of this analysis.

Discussion and Recommendation

  • Identify and recommend a solution to the major problem in the case (there is likely to be more than one solution).
  • Briefly outline your solution and evaluate it in terms of its pros and cons.
  • Always ensure that your recommendations are supported by statistical evidence and provide spreadsheets as necessary.

Appendix and References

  • Please include any tables or figures that are not included but are referenced in your report.
  • Make sure all references are cited correctly.
  • there are typos or grammatical errors

Case Discussion Questions

  1. Which kind of hotel manager do you agree with—the ones that do not wish to limit themselves given their business is good for all three segments of travelers, or the London firm and its approach? Why?
  2. If you wish to follow the first strategy (all customers could benefit), what would your marketing communications be to the end-user patient-customer? If you followed the second strategy, what would your marketing communications look like?
  3. If you were based in London, which countries would be the first you would approach to develop such relationships? If you were based in Paris, which countries would you approach for your network inclusion? If you were in Houston? Rio? Why?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Mini Case Solution
As our civilization progressed to new heights, so did the discovery of new and inventive methods to improve the lives of every single individual on the planet. Many of those technological advancements are in the sphere of medicine, with many ailments that were uncurable back then now being readily healed by contemporary medical technology.
People desire to be healthy in order to prevent death because they want to prolong their lives. Some diseases must be healed in a nation where such medical technology is already in use; these countries are generally in the first world since they have the resources to do it. In addition, because medical tourism is on the rise, hospitals and hotel chains are cashing in on the trend. As a result of introducing such an opportunity, hotel chains have entered the market to benefit from healthcare patients.
According to Yahoo!Finance (2021), every year, millions of health tourists travel to Asia, America, Africa, and Eastern Europe for treatments such as cosmetic surgery, heart surgery, dentistry, orthopedic surgery, and other procedures, and they are regarded as a secondary group of travelers who require treatment abroad. The primary source of concern for this issue is that hospitals should be more concerned about their patients' well-being rather than merely how much money they can make from them, which is why partnering with an outside company to offer medical travel is novel and suspicious.
Hotel management should use the information provided by their patients' hospitals to better organize who would receive better treatment. As indicated in the case, the firm's attitude is intelligent and courteous because they welcome all types of medical visitors. They did not lo...
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