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Discuss And Compare The Two Approaches For Job Design

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The Following is the essay question:

Discuss and Compare the two approaches for job design: Efficiency Approach and Motivational Approach. Provide Two influences/factors (internal or external or one from each) that make organizations adopt one of those approaches rather than the other.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Discuss and compare the two approaches for job design: Efficiency approach and motivational approach. Provide two influences/factors (internal or external or one from each) that make organizations adopt one of those approaches rather than the other.
First of all, it is crucial to understand what job design entails. Job design entails the aspect of specifying the elements or content of a particular task as well as the ways or methods or the techniques that should be employed in its accomplishment. There are two basic approaches to job design and these include the efficiency approach and the motivational approach. These two are quite different and are employed with specific goals in mind.
The efficiency approach is one where an organization appears to focus more on specialization. This means that every employee is given the task of handling a particular job. The goal here is to make sure that the job process is made easier and that efficiency or efficacy is enhanced. A task, for example, can be broken down and people assigned to the different parts or areas of work where one excels. Employees are thus required to focus on a particular task.
Some of the advantages of the efficiency approach include an increase in productivity because every employee is doing that which they are good at. The second one is that training is made simple. This is because a person works on a single project and are trained to attain excellence in one area of work. So, the eventual effect is that the training process is less costly and is easy. However, there are disadvantages to this approach and these include the possibility of becoming monotonous and also minimum responsibility because people are trained to care for what they are working on and nothing beyond that.
Despite the disadvantages listed above, there are certain factors that can influence or that can push an organization towards adopting the efficiency approach. One internal factor that motivates a company into adopting the efficiency approach is the nature of work done. A manufacturing organization, for example, can be forced to adopt this approach mainly because of the skills required for parti...
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