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Scene Analysis: Anger Management

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, select a movie or a TV show you could use to help teach a class on interpersonal skills. You can select the movie from Kanopy (you have access as a Rutgers student). Or from any other movie streaming platform of your choice, including YouTube. You should identify a scene from the movie or television show you picked, that could help you teach a class on interpersonal skills. The scene/clip should be between 2 to 5 minutes in length.

Once you identify a scene from a movie or television, answer the following five questions:

Provide the title of the video/movie, the timestamp of the clip (for example @timestamp 5:06) you would show to the class. Of note, the video cannot be a “How To” video. Instead, it has to be an excerpt from the movie or TV show you selected.

Identify the interpersonal skill(s) (e.g. listening, meeting new people, asking for helping, dealing with conflict) demonstrated in the video.

Provide a short description of the scene. Of note, the scene/clip should be between 2-5 minutes in length.

Explain why this scene (from the movie or TV show) is a good instructional aid for the interpersonal skills you want to teach during the class.

Next, suppose you were really going to use the video during a live facilitated training. Write 2-3 questions you would want the training participants to answer after they watched the video. The purpose of the questions is to help training participants reflect on the interpersonal skills demonstrated in the video.

Example - Here's an example of how to complete this assignment.


Scene. The scene I would select for a training on interpersonal training is from The Devil Wears Prada

Interpersonal Skills. The scene focuses on interpersonal skills during a job interview.

Description. In this clip from The Devil Wears Prada, Andy is not well prepared for her interview with Miranda.

Rationale. I selected this clip because it demonstrates what happens when a candidate is not well prepared for the interview. Andy was interviewing for a position and she hadn't done her research on the organization, Runway Magazine. Employers have noted that candidates often come to interviews without being adequately prepared to discuss the opportunity and why they are a good fit.

Questions. If I were using this clip in a live facilitated class about interpersonal skills, I would ask the following questions:

During interviews, do first impressions count?

Name 2 mistakes Andy made during her interaction with Miranda.

If Andy wanted to leave a good first impression on Miranda, what should she do differently during the interview?

To submit this assignment, select the Submit Assignment tab on this page. Type in your response in the text entry page and provide the URL (link) to the video clip you choose. Select Submit when you're done.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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April 6, 2021
Scene Analysis
Scene. The scene that I pick for interpersonal skills is from the movie Anger Management.
Interpersonal Skills. The scene is about a man wanting to borrow a headphone from a flight attendant, but things go wrong when both parties did not understand each other.
Description. This clip is from the movie Anger management, released in 2003 and directed by Peter Segal and written by David S. Dorfman. The man asking if he could borrow a headphone from a flight attendant seems to neglect his job when she was having a chat with her fellow flight attendant. Things went wrong when the flight attendant started to overreact, which eventually attracted unwanted attention.
Rationale. I select this ...
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