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Write a 3 page essay on option 3 in the document attached

Essay Instructions:
Option 3- This is a creative response essay focusing on parts of the Restrepo novel. In a 3-5-page creative essay, pretend you are a doctor, detective, friend, or psychologist and have been called in by Agustina’s husband, Aguilar, to advise him on his wife’s state and give opinions about her memory loss. Using your investigative/personal/ and/ or professional skills, center on the character of this woman. Even though you may not be able to exactly know why she is in that faraway cognitive state, you are offering a commentary on history, family, society, and people’s places within it from some point in the past. If you are a friend from childhood, you may be capable of filling in some of the blanks. What moments in the past did you share with her that might shed light on her present predicament? If you are a sociologist, you may be commenting on nefarious social events which probably have produced this mental state. As a psychologist, you may be documenting your observations of her case and offering some sort of help, consultation, or consolation regarding this patient and her apparent traumatic state. As a detective, you may be looking for clues. You do not have to assume all roles. It would be best to choose only one/two. Kai Erickson, sociologist, has written that “trauma is a wound to the psyche that breaks through the subject’s defense so suddenly and brutally that the subject cannot react.” Therefore, Agustina’s delirium can be seen through this lens of hurtful and haunted situations/memories. These elements have been reflected in Restrepo’s novel, especially regarding society’s norms and traumatic scenes of violence and power. Since the direct information may be missing concerning points of possible investigation, what does this resulting absence tell? Is this linked to what Agustina is seeing from the window? Are these physical images the same as the ones viewed from the internal window of her mind? What is she exactly trying to remember or forget? Perhaps, you have the key to that wound or at least know where that key is hidden.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Effects of Trauma: Unraveling Agustina's Haunted Psyche Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date Effects of Trauma: Unraveling Agustina's Haunted Psyche As a psychologist called upon by Agustina's husband, Aguilar, to assess the condition of memory loss in which she seems to have placed herself and shed light on her current state of mind, my final judgment, upon keen observation and analysis, is that Agustina's condition arises from the complex trauma inflicted on her community, manifested in her disrupted memory and dissociative state. Most of the time when we met, Agustina seemed to be looking out of the window, appearing not to see the present world but, rather, to see something outside this world. Her eyes were set far off, gazing at things no one else could see. Her speech was scanty and was characteristically characterized by long silences and abrupt digressions. This clearly indicated that thoughts worked through memories and experiences that left indelible scars on the mind. From the historical context of Restrepo's novel, it can be assumed that Agustina's community, respectively, has gone through tremendous changes due to vast social disturbance, violence, and pressure. In fact, cases of traumatizing events, in turn, cause severe emotional and psychological damages beyond the experiences of the individual (Han et al., 2021). In the case of Agustina, dissociation would be a protective psychological process before the horrifying pain and terror evoked by the traumatic situation she had witnessed or was the victim of. Her mind would create a barrier whereby she might be transported into another realm other than the painful reality that pursues her in her day-to-day life. However, this dissociation is not without a price: her memory and sense of self are fragmented. Trauma has shattered the continuity of her narrative and left her in the liminal space between past and present, trying to put all those shattered fragments of experience together. As a psychologist,...
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