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Debates Concerning Ebola virus, Covid-19, and Hurricane Katrina

Essay Instructions:

Please find instructions attached. This is directly related to the essay you wrote for me last week on COVID-19 and its effects on the mental health of Americans.

Thanks for your help. Let me know if you have questions.

Wk 3 - Evaluate Your Tools

Top of Form

No debate occurs in a vacuum. In fact, the opposite is true: all debates in the public sphere come with a history. Current debates on policy X are shaped by past inter- and extra-disciplinary debates on policy X, and by cultural rules about how such public debates must take place. Therefore, any new statement you make on a topic will be interpreted in light of previous discussions. Researching these past discussions can give your writing great power, inform you about specific points you must address, spark your creativity on this topic, provide models you can use for your work, and increase your ethos.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper or speech in which you do the following:

  • Summarize the major past debates that have shaped public discussion of your chosen topic. (my topic is COVID-19 and its effects on the mental health of Americans- You wrote on it last week for me.)

  • Briefly explain the historical context for these debates.

  • Explain how different disciplines or traditions in the debate approach the topic.

  • Pay attention to how language is used, and what sort of evidence is used.

  • Analyze the effects of various approaches on different audiences.

Note: Research is required, but there is no set number of sources. Instead, research your topic until you feel confident you have identified the disciplines shaping discussion of your topic

Format your paper consistent with MLA guidelines. (please pay attention to the MLA Guidelines as I only got a B on the last paper due to the mistakes in the MLA structure of the paper you did)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Erika Pinter
Professor Duncan
9 November 2020
Wk. 3 - Evaluate Your Tools
One of the significant past debates that have shaped public discussion on the COVID-19 topic is the Ebola virus debate. After the Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa in 2014, the international community became concerned about the region's welfare and the entire world if the virus were to spread internationally. Hence, a debate commenced about who should take charge of controlling the virus. Another past argument that has shaped public discussion on COVID-19 is the debate on Hurricane Katrina's mental health impact. The hurricane affected many Americans' mental health in the City of New Orleans due to the devastating damage on property and the lives it cost. Many people from the City of New Orleans struggled to recover after Hurricane Katrina.
The first outbreak of the Ebola virus occurred in 1976 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (then referred to as Zaire). During this outbreak, that lasted only 11 weeks, 318 cases were recorded, and 280 people perished from the virus (Rosello et al. 4). In 2014, however, the virus was even stronger, affecting at least 29,000 people and caused the deaths of 11,310 people. Hurricane Katrina was a category five hurricane that started in New Orleans and then spread to surrounding areas. The hurricane caused the deaths of 1,800 Americans, and property worth $125 billion was damaged (LaJoie et al. 1031).
Different disciplines and traditions from the aforementioned debates have approached COVID-19 differently. Regarding the Ebola virus, the health discipline approached the virus in the required manner by helping the infected recover and trying to control the spread of the virus through quarantine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the health discipline has also reacted in the same way. However, unlike the Ebola outbreak period, health organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic have sought to explore the mental health effects that COVID-19 has had on the American public.
The political discipline has approached the COVID-19 epidemic differently than how it responded to Hurricane Katrina and the Ebola outbreak. During the Ebola outbreak, the virus affected a foreign country greatly in need of support. Therefore, the American government and other governments responded by declaring their support for the people of West Africa. During Hurricane Katrina, the American government reacted in the same way it reacts to any hurricanes in the country. Although late, Congress allocated all the required funding while the senator for Louisiana mobilized rescue operations in her state. During the COVI...
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