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Literature & Language
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The Perceptions of Usefulness. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

This week response: Read the four stories that are attached in word document and choose ONE to answer the questions (posting your own questions/confusions are welcomed too!). You are encouraged to incorporate stories and/or texts that we read in classes or in recitations. Also, after writing, please come up a title to sum up your article.

I will upload four documents:

(1) response instructions (including fours stories)

and there are three other documents just for reference

(2) Zhuangzi, textbook

(3) W10_class_ppt

(4) W10_recitation_ppt

no need for citation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
The Perceptions of Usefulness
Chuang Tzu argued that the idea of usefulness depends on an individual’s point of view. He noted that the uselessness of a particular thing could be the key to its benefit. In that regard, we should not be quick to dismiss something as either being good or bad. The giant tree, which was deemed unfit and useless since its limbs could not provide rafters and its trunk was rotten, could not be used for making coffins. Chuang Tzu points out that the tree has survived for many years precisely because of its uselessness.
According to Chuang Tzu, there are practical benefits to uselessness since the tree provided the right shade. Chuang Tzu further argues that it is impossible to make a distinction between useful and useless. In his theme in the world of men, Chuang Tzu points out that the application of usefulness is known to all men. However, none of these people knows the use of the useless. The text of the uselessness of the tree that the holy man applies leaves us wondering whether Chuang Tzu’s primary goal was to cultivate uselessness or surpass it, on the other hand, inconsistently.
The excerpt reflects how the imagination of the “madman” of Chu criticizes Confucius’ ways. Confucius’ idea of being Junzi advocates for moral cultivation, virtuosity, and the ability to participate in social roles. Through his actions, Confucius’ illustrates the values of a Junzi by being knowledgeable, being obedient, loyal, and showing discipline. Confucius’ idea advocates for a more huma...
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