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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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The Primary Concepts: The Case on “Ford”: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Read the chapter in which your case is located and the case. Think of a better way you can teach three concept(s) to your peers through this case in 500 words. Feel free to use visual aids and refer to any known pop culture, characters or external examples known among your peers to convey the message or make a point clear or make it stick to peers' memory for longer. The rubric will be used to assess your score.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject and Section
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Date of Submission
The Primary Concepts: The Case on “Ford”
The case stressed the methods utilized by Ford to win the race in the car industry. Due to the rapidly changing technology, the car industry inventors must display new car models that will complement the taste of its consumers. The most critical concept in the case is group cohesiveness, a vital factor that allows individual members to motivate their peers to continue supporting the activities as a group CITATION Ope20 \l 1033 (OpenStax.org). However, workgroup norms, status systems, and group cohesiveness are all evident in the success of Ford in the car industry, as stated in the case. These concepts are the highlight of this discussion.
Teaching Methods
The following are the best teaching methods to comprehensively understand the three mentioned concepts that are evident in the case:
First, the facilitator shall discuss the case using inquiry-based learning. Here, the student-teacher relationship is emphasized by allowing the teacher to lead by example. The teacher shall read and explain the case. Consequently, the students understand by observing their teacher’s method CITATION Teand \l 1033 (Teach.com). Here, the concepts of group cohesiveness, workgroup norms, and status systems will be taught. The facilitator uses a passive approach while the audience utilizes an active approach where they can ask to become engaged in the topic until they fully...
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