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"Melancholy - Metal Birthday Online Concert": Rock Concert Review

Essay Instructions:

Each student will attend a rock (as defined by the material we cover in class) concert of your choice THIS SEMESTER.

Make sure the event you attend is a concert rather than a passive performance (i.e. lounge act, restaurant band, etc.). Concerts in bars with cover bands are OK, but make sure they are the focus of the evening. One way to tell is if there is a flyer with the artist's name on it distributed by the venue or the artist(s) themselves. Another, is looking at the artists website or social media page for official dates. You can also check Frost School of Music's event page for on-campus venues. However, be aware that most of these are classical and jazz performances and look closely at the events to ensure you're attending a rock concert.

After the concert, write an objective review (1500 words) of the concert detailing your experience.

The review should include:

The names of the performing groups/artists; the date and location of the performance.

Describe the setting. Is it a large hall or an intimate theater? What type of audience demographic is there? Young or old? How do they respond to the music?

The different styles/genres of songs the artist(s) perform.

Use your notes and experience to describe the different musical elements (i.e. melody, harmony, timbre, technology, form, volume, etc.) you recognize in most (if not all) the songs/pieces.

Be sure to arrive on time to hear the entire concert.

Attach a photo of the flyer, ticket, or screenshot of the webpage when you submit this assignment.

Describe your personal reaction to the concert. List reasons why you think it was successful or not. However, do not make this the center of your paper. It should be one or two paragraphs at the end. Further, use data to support your arguments about why it was successful or not successful. (e.g., How did people respond verbally and non-verbally? Was this based on your perception or was there a general consensus? If it is a consensus, then what facts do you have to support this?)

Try to do some background research on the genre or artist before and after you attend the concert. This is not a research paper, but if you use any information from any source (including the artist's website), you must cite it both in-text and on a works-cited page.

Sit back, relax and take it in.

This is requirement.

Each student will attend a rock (as defined by the material we cover in class) concert of your choice THIS SEMESTER.

Make sure the event you attend is a concert rather than a PASSive performance (i.e. lounge act, restaurant band, etc.). Concerts in bars with cover bands are OK, but make sure they are the focus of the evening. One way to tell is if there is a flyer with the artist's name on it distributed by the venue or the artist(s) themselves. Another, is looking at the artists website or social media page for official dates. You can also check Frost School of Music's event page for on-campus venues. However, be aware that most of these are classical and jazz performances and look closely at the events to ensure you're attending a rock concert.

After the concert, write an objective review (1500 words) of the concert detailing your experience.

The review should include:

The names of the performing groups/artists; the date and location of the performance.

Describe the setting. Is it a large hall or an intimate theater? What type of audience demographic is there? Young or old? How do they respond to the music?

The different styles/genres of songs the artist(s) perform.

Use your notes and experience to describe the different musical elements (i.e. melody, harmony, timbre, technology, form, volume, etc.) you recognize in most (if not all) the songs/pieces.

Be sure to arrive on time to hear the entire concert.

attach a photo of the flyer, ticket, or screenshot of the webpage when you submit this assignment.

Describe your personal reaction to the concert. List reasons why you think it was successful or not. However, do not make this the center of your paper. It should be one or two paragraphs at the end. Further, use data to support your arguments about why it was successful or not successful. (e.g., How did people respond verbally and non-verbally? Was this based on your perception or was there a general consensus? If it is a consensus, then what facts do you have to support this?)

Try to do some background research on the genre or artist before and after you attend the concert. This is not a research paper, but if you use any information from any source (including the artist's website), you must cite it both in-text and on a works-cited page.

Sit back, relax and take it in.

Because when I upload the essay, I have to attach a photo of the flyer, ticket, or screenshot of the webpage. So you have to chose the real concern, and please attach a photo of the flyer, ticket, or screenshot of the webpage in the word document when you return back to me. Thank you so much.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rock Concert Review
Entertainment is an essential part of human life that refreshes the mind after some stressful or tiring encounters. The concert presented outstanding performance with positive reviews from the audience. The Melancholy Band's performance comprises four artists;  HYPERLINK "-archives.com/artists/Leonid_Arkhipov/450320" Levon,  HYPERLINK "-archives.com/artists/Denis_Makeev/761424" Denis Makeev,  HYPERLINK "-archives.com/artists/Stanislav_Sholumay/498404" Stanislav Sholumay,  HYPERLINK "-archives.com/artists/Roos_Beast/193961" Roos Beast, and  HYPERLINK "-archives.com/artists/Andrey_Ischenko/7342" Andrey Ischenko. They formed the music band in 1998, and they are still together to date. Levon handles the bass guitar while Makeev and Sholumary are the guitarists. Beast is a vocalist and a guitarist, and  HYPERLINK "-archives.com/artists/Andrey_Ischenko/7342" Andrey Ischenko was the drummer ("Home." Melancholy.Ru).
They held the concert in their studio room in Russia with a virtual audience on 2 Sept 2020. The onset of the coronavirus pandemic affected the entertainment industry so much. Most concerts and performances have since gone online to minimize the spread of the disease. This is the reason the Melancholy band did an online concert. The concert's setting was well decorated despite having a virtual audience ("Melancholy - Metal Birthday Online Concert"). The studio was small and could accommodate many audiences. However, it was enough for the band and arrangement of materials for the concert, including drums, guitars, microphones, and current cables. The room has dim lighting with small bulbs on the corners of the room and primary lighting that faces away from the dais, probably to allow better images on the online streaming. One side of the wall has some human skeleton graphics, but the rest of the walls are bare. The setting gives it the best scenario for a rock concert.
The concert was virtual; hence it was hard to determine their demographic. The performance was streaming online on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, but YouTube was the central platform. It is tough to describe an online audience's features because you never know who is using online accounts. However, most people who are active online are youths and were the ones active attending the concert. Judging from the comments on the streaming, most people enjoyed the performance. The band specializes in metal rock, and that is the genre they played throughout the concert. Heavy metal rock is fun for many people because of the energy. This may be one of the reasons why the online audience followed the concert.
I observed several musical elements in all the ten songs they performed. The first element is the noise ("Melancholy - Metal Birthday Online Concert"). Heavy metal rock is a music genre that excites a lot of energy, which generates noise during its performance. From the performance, the instruments play louder than the vocals. The first song they performed is an organism, but the audience can hardly get the song's lyrics. The song begins in a slow instrument that gradually grows to full volume. The instruments play for one minute and forty seconds before the vocals start amid a cloud of noise. Therefore, the audience hardly gets the lyrics. The vocalist has a heavy voice that is not audible enough. Heavy instruments combined with the heavy voice causes noise. Therefore, the concert was full of noise.
Heavy metal rock concerts are characterized by guitar and drum dominated sounds. have high volumes, and the concert had exceedingly high volume. The primary feature of metal rock is to keep high intensity throughout the performance. This is the reason for the increased volumes in the concert. The drums and guitars play a major role in guiding the role volumes. They are often played on high volumes than the vocals forcing the vocalist to input more energy to synchronize with the instruments. We might consider this as disturbing noi...
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