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Why You Are In Favor Of Or Against Feminism

Essay Instructions:

My attitude is women should have the same rights as men in the society, but I don't like them to be too extreme.

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Student’s Name University Course Instructor’s Name Date Feminism Introduction Benjamin defines feminism as an activism that is geared towards promoting economic, social, and political equality between men and women (3). Even though the act of feminism started in the western world, it has been embraced almost in every country throughout the world. In the last few decades there have been different institutions that have been started to champion for the rights of women in the society and as a result most women are now empowered economically, socially, and politically. However, people have got different views concerning feminism, and there are other groups of people who are against it. Against or for feminism Before the end of the Second World War, women were not allowed to work and provide for their families. Women were only supposed to take care of their children, husbands, and only to carry out some household chores. However, due to many feminist groups that have been started throughout the world, women are now empowered not only economically, but politically and socially as well. I am of the persons who are in support of equality between men and women. Women should be given the same opportunity to work and participate in political matters of the country. Statistics have shown that women can be good leaders just like their male counter parts. Currently there many women leading some of the best companies in the world and there is no problem with that. For example, in the just concluded elections in the United States where Hillary Clinton ran as a candidate, it was proven that even women if given chance can do well in political arena. In Christianity, I have admired women preachers like Joyce Myer; she is a wonderful woman of Good. This has only been possible because women have been given chance to participate in these matte...
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