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Cost Of College Education And Unemployment Rate

Essay Instructions:

For your second major assignment, you’ll communicate your exploration, research, and reflection as you listen to, evaluate, and record the conversation surrounding an ethical dilemma relevant to your profession.

This assignment won’t be a formal essay but a document that demonstrates your engagement with the research process. At its completion your assignment will consist of three (3) parts, each of them recording the steps you’ve taken in researching your ethical dilemma, understanding your sources, and evaluating the direction you’ll take for the final research-supported argumentative essay. This assignment will tell your research story from inquiry (exploration of a research question) to claim (tentative thesis).

For guidance in successfully completing this assignment, consult RRW, Ch. 1 (summary/paraphrase, embedding direct quotations in your prose), Ch. 12 (finding and evaluating sources, preparing an annotated bibliography), Ch.
13 (studying sources) and Ch. 14 (formal documentation for MLA documentation style).

The most important thing to understand is that this is not an assignment you can write in one sitting from beginning to end. It’s a construction project that, in many ways, builds from the inside out.
For this segment of the semester, the syllabus and the assignments will be combined into a single document.

S 24: Explanation of Major Assignment 2, Part I Part I: Exploratory Narrative (500+ words)

The first section of the assignment will be a 1st person narrative that tells the story of your intellectual journey, beginning with your research question. You should use your research question as the title of the document. This portion of the assignment will let the reader know how your process began and progressed, what sources you found, what they were saying, and where they led you. I’m interested here in the chronological path of your process. As you can imagine, you can be drafting this section throughout the process. Consider also that books, articles, database materials, and websites are not the only relevant sources available. An interview with someone in your field, for example, might give you further insight and background into the question.

S 7: Part I Due in class, Explanation of Part II

Part II: Annotated Bibliography (minimum of 6 entries - 150+ words each). At least 2 sources should be accessed using the library's ENGL 1304 Research Guide.

An annotated bibliography is like an expanded Works Cited (MLA) or References (APA) page where your reader sees not only the formal citation but a paragraph containing a summary and explanation of each source. You’ll list your sources alphabetically according to MLA or APA citation style as you would in a Works Cited or References page. Each formal citation will be followed by a short paragraph containing description and summary, an indication of the credibility, authority, or bias of the source, and a statement of how the source might fight into an argument.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Research question: Looking at unemployment rate among graduates as well as the lack of guarantee for return on investment, I am inclined to ask whether the cost of college education is worth it. I am a person who tends to believe in education and while my parents did play a role in my belief in education, I eventually my reasons to firm my belief in education. However, certain encounters can indeed change one’s life and perception about things. A while back as I was having coffee in a restaurant, I overheard a conversation between the waitress who had just served me and a person who seemed to be close to her. One could tell that she was disappointed in something but the guy she was with was trying to make her believe again. When I listened closely, I gathered that the waitress had completed her college education years ago but nothing other than the waitress job had been forthcoming. She had applied for jobs been to numerous interviews but nothing seemed to work out for her. Her life was indeed a testament of a failed system just as she said. A person who had not listened to the conversation for as long as I did would have called the lady difficult or impatient. However, something told me they have had this conversation several times where the guy tries to convince the lady and to instill hope and belief in her. This particular conversation, however, was not like the others because while the guy seemed like he had been able to instill hope in the lady before, his waning belief as well as that of the lady’s was quite evident. From what I gathered, the lady had completed her studies and had already graduated with a college degree. However, I did not gather which course she had done so I also did not get the entire story. After completing her studies, the lady had high hopes of acquiring employment which would have justified her parent’s investment in her education. However, it had been years since her graduation but nothing was forthcoming. Life had become unbearable for her and she had given up on the system. The guy she was talking to seemed to still hold onto a hope that someday the lady would find something that would justify her time and money in school. But she had had enough and was not willing to listen anymore. She kept asking him whether he still believes college education is worth what people are paying for a question which the guy never answered. In a few minutes of listening to the conversation, I found myself deep in thought over the same issue. My friend was also taken aback by the conversation but none of us was ready to discuss it further. We finished our coffee and she came over to thank us and then wished us all the best as we walked away. In her eyes, she had a deep sadness but her words seemed hopeful nonetheless. As I was walking back home, my mind went on one of the most frightening journeys to the future and I saw myself waiting tables for ten consecutive years after I had finished college. These thoughts were indeed scary and I had the same look on my face the lady had. Listening to her speak, one could tell that she was intelligent and that her hope in school and college, in particular, was grounded in something deep. The events of that day made me scared and I decided to conduct research on college and its worth. I wanted to know whether I was making a mistake and that I should consider something else or whether the lady was simply one of the few who are unlucky. Apparently, upon research into the matter, I discovered that the lady is in fact one of the many who are often left to question the credibility of college education. The value of education is indeed unquestionable but as it turns out, the cost of college education is a matter that has been debated over the years. I read articles about this issue and even listened to a few debates concerning the same. My mind was running wild and I could not rest and hence my quest to conduct research on the worth of education. Annotated Bibliography Dann, Carrie. “Americans Split on Whether 4-Year College Degree Is Worth the Cost.” NBC News, September 7, 2017. Accessed April 21, 2018. /politics/first-read/americans-split-whether-4-year-college-degree-worth-cost-n799336 In the US today, polls have become a norm. People conduct polls for almost anything and everything including the elections. However, on this particular instance, this poll is about education and its perceived benefits. Dann’s article is asking the question which has been on people’s minds for a long time: is a four-year college education worth the cost? Apparently, more Americans are starting to question the worthine...
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