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College Students Who Go Full Time to School Should Be Able to Get Free Food

Essay Instructions:

It needs to have 3 reasons why i believe or don't, and 2 refuting or oposing. I should be able to hold my stand/position. Though maybe a good topic is college students who go full time to school should be able to get free food. Something that is easy on a topic. If any questions please message me. Or free parking or free books is okay to do as the essay but thought no one has done free food so if possible that would be my first pick.

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College Students Who Go Full Time to School Should Be Able to Get Free Food
While in high school, many students yearn for the opportunity to complete their studies and join college little do they know what one goes through in college. College comes with huge expenses and it may be costlier for those who reside in the campus. Few legislations have been instituted to help alleviate the ever-increasing cost of college. Quite the contrary is happening, students are heaped with loans which they go on to pay for many years after college. Additionally, some students yearn for the opportunity to join college and further their education, but it is impossible due to financial constraints.Colleges should not let students pay for everything, especially those who go for full time programs. College students who go full time to school should be able to get free food.
Firstly, full time students pay a lot of money for their education inclusive of the meal plans. College meal plans are too costly. The meals are also priced differently and to get a good meal, you have to spend more. Many students complain about being given food which does not taste good. Additionally, some students may go hungry sometimes when they are unable to afford a meal and they struggle to make ends meet. As a result, it is hard for them to concentrate in class. They perform poorly and they are forced to take up some menial jobs to sustain themselves in school, which hampers their academics. Therefore, college students who go to school full time should be able to get free food. There is no need for them to pay too much for poor quality food. Similarly, the prices can be lowered so that every student can afford them. “Food can’t be free, but the prices can be lowered” CITATION Ash16 \l 1033 (Ashburn). Many students will be able to afford and buy the food. Moreover, colleges should offer quality food to students instead of giving them bad or tasteless food and expect them to pay too much for it.
Secondly, some full time college students come from poor households and they are unable to afford meals and thus they continue to suffer in silence. Colleges constitute students from all walks of life thanks to financial aid and scholarship opportunities. This seems to be great, however, the ability to afford basic necessities while in college is not. While some come from wealthy families, others do not. Some students have had to endure constant struggles to afford college. Most of them and their families sacrifice a lot to study. Sometimes they choose to skip meals to save money for other necessities such as rent. Opportunities to get to join college are not bounteous for them hence they grab the less chance they get. These students are willing to skip meals or cut the size of their meals because they lack the funds to buy them. They weight many options before settling on the meal to have because their finances are limited to cover the cost of healthy meals. CITATION Yav17 \l 1033 (Yavorski) notes they are reluctant to admit to their struggles“Possibly, the biggest barrier for these students is simply no one knows they are hungry. Everyone in college talks about being poor and hungry, yet a few admitted it to not having eaten since yesterday”.
Full time college students s...
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