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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

What Aspect Of Harry Potter Appeals To You?

Essay Instructions:

You will write two papers in this course. The first paper should be 500-600 words, typed, double-spaced, and in MLA format (check online for headings, conventions, etc.). In it, you should address the following:

What aspect of Harry Potter appeals to you?

You should use at least two sources to support your discussion of Rowling's work and document your research in MLA format. Your paper should have a thesis statement that explains what the main points, some paragraphs that link to one another, and a conclusion that sum everything up.

I will be evaluating this paper about Harry Potter against the outcomes outlined here. I will keep track of grades by the entire class (6 A papers, 7 B papers, etc.) and turn in my class evaluation, but you will not receive a specific letter grade from me. You must turn in a paper in order to pass this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor: Subject: Date due: Harry Potter movies series ranked best to worst based on the storyline What aspect of Harry Potter appeals to you? The series Harry Potter is one that does not need any introduction. Its popularity as a books series and film adaptation since 1997 has developed it to become the most popular all-time series. Written by J.K. Rowling, a British writer, the fantasy novel revolves around the life of a young wizard boy named Harry together with his friends as they go through a life-altering, informative and exciting world at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Rowling 1-5). The series attracts both the attention of the young and the old due to different storyline aspects. Rowling’s writing of the Harry Potter series brings about a creative plot, which relates to each other, the creation of a magic world that is fascinating and that takes one to a different world, and relatable characters, factors that make it appealing to me. What appeals to me in Harry Porter is the development of an interconnected and exciting plot. From a reading of the first series to the last, an individual can follow the plot intricately. The excitement of a different world developed and designed to perfection, and the endless surprises carry one from one part of the plot to the other. Rowling creates an interconnected fun adventure in the books that makes one long to read the other series and links the stories together. For instance, in the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book, Harry discovers and examines various artifacts which, becomes of use in the subsequent books (Rowling 7). The story’s primary setting also plays a crucial role in appealing to me due to its realism. For instance, the creation of the main character as an underachieving child, with tremendous talents that go unrec...
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