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What Kind of Man is Lago

Essay Instructions:

This is a limited research essay.

Works cited page should be MLA style.

Write in present tense.

Find a suitable topic for the essay.

Use only resource from the book Othello by Shakespeare and the one I will provide. 

Quoting from a secondary source: When quoting from a secondary source, you should consider that paraphrasing is the norm unless that critic's words are strikingly original etc. Paraphrasing means putting something into your own words without using the same words as the text.

Feel free to agree / disagree or both with the secondary resource on the literary work. Remember to integrate the paraphrased or directly quoted words of the critic into a paragraph where you are making an argument about the literary work and quoting from the literary work.

Quotations from both the primary and secondary sources belong in the body of the essay, not in the opening and closing paragraphs.

Primary source is the book Othello Shakespeare (Oxford School) (2009)

Book is the primary literary work and Article attached is the secondary resource to be used!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The play Othello by William Shakespeare is one of his great works that is intrigued with informative experiences. The presentation of women in the play is particularly an important lesson that Shakespeare wants to put across. It is an indication of what was happening in the society where patriarchy was the norm in the society at that time. Shakespeare wanted to tell a story of how women were being oppressed in the society with little control in love relationship while men controlled everything. The examination of characters in the story is important in helping us to examine the main theme in the play. Iago is one of the most interesting characters in the play. He is a wicked character engrossed with jealousy and seems to have a big hatred for women. We establish this through his actions where he works in ensuring that people’s relationships are not smooth. He manages to kill Emilia, his wife and to convince Othello to kill Desdemona. This paper examines the kind of Man Iago is and the reasons for destroying lives the way he does.
The play Othello by William Shakespeare starts with two men talking to one another. The two men talking are Iago and Roderigo. Its night time in Venice and Iago and Roderigo are discussing Othello’s secret marriage to Desdemona. Othello is a military general who works for the state of Venice. He is not from Venice though because he is a "moor" meaning he is from North Africa. Recently Othello just married a senator’s daughter secretly. Roderigo on the other hand is in love with Desdemona. Iago is telling Roderigo that he actually hates Othello because he overlook him when he gave a promotion to Cassio (Gill 18). The two men obviously are jealous of Othello and they are starting to plot on how to get him in trouble. Iago is telling Roderigo that they should go to Desdemona’s father and tell him that she run away. They are now going to Desdemona’s house and they meet Brabanzio, Desdemona’s father. As the play progresses, it is evident that Iago succeeds in making everybody turn against their loved ones and friends, to the point where they are killing each other. This shows that Iago is definitely an evil character who is also knifing and very persuasive.
The reasons behind Iago’s hatred of Othello has been debated by critics for centuries. However, the most possible reasons that Iago hates the Moor are those he is giving to Roderigo. They include that Othello is a Moor; because Cassio was promoted to the position of a lieutenant in his stead; because he believes that Othello slept with his wife, Emilia; or, maybe he is just envious of Othello because he married the beautiful innocent Desdemona. Looking in his soliloquies Iago is giving himself many reasons which are merely excuses to cover up his true character of being a manipulator, deceiver and destroyer of other people’s lives.
Jealousy is the "Green – Eyed Monster" that is driving Iago to destroy lives the way he is doing. During the play’s duration, jealousy is one of the foundation in Iago’s plot to destroying Othello. Iago was a lower ranking officer of Othello who wanted to be promoted to the position of a lieutenant (Moss 22). We see Iago describing his jealousy towards Michael Cassio in the opening scene of Act I. He is telling Roderigo that Cassio has "never been set in a squadron" and that his battle knowledge is only theoretical (Shakespeare 23). He is saying that unlike Cassio, he (Iago) had been in the military for many years and therefore the best person who should have been promoted. He says that he feels a sense of betrayal by the General himself, Othello.
This is what is making Iago to hate Othello, and this is clearly portrayed because he is only referring Othello as "the Moor" when speaking either to himself or to others. This is Shakespeare’s way of playing into the mind of the audience by revealing that Iago and the audience are both racists. The audience are racist to the people who are not Caucasian. According to Charles Boyce, Iago is taking Othello more as a thing rather than a person and as a "brick wall" to power (Boyce 33). Othello who has so much power in the army is causing Iago to feel that he deserved to be promoted in the army service. He is saying that Othello had, "an open and free nature" ...
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