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American Dream

Essay Instructions:

1. Develop THREE (3) well-developed paragraphs about the assigned film's connection to the American Dream.

Read the articles in The American Dream--Definitions

[The American Dream is] that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position. [ The Epic of America, 1931] ( Source: Penn State Erie; The Bernard College).

This assignment based on a film called "Crash" (2004) by Paul Haggis

Watch film, take notes, and response 3 questions

- Select one (1) scene at the climax of the film that represents an element of the American Dream to you. Take note of the time stamp on this scene to reference in your post.

- Choose one (1) character from the film that best represents fulfillment of or failure to achieve the American Dream. Consider what choices or circumstances affected their ultimate outcome in terms of the American Dream. Take note of a several scenes that support your claim. Take note of the time stamp(s) of any relevant scenes to reference in your post.

- Discuss how the final scene challenges or supports the American Dream. Take note of the time stamp on this scene to reference in your post.

1. In the first paragraph and second paragraphs, discuss how specific scenes in the film reflect the achievement of the American Dream OR the disillusionment with the American Dream by one or more of the characters or the plot, setting or other elements of the film. 

In the third paragraph, discuss how the American Dream is achieved (or falls short) in context with ONE of the readings on the American dream assigned in this unit (see Assignment 2).

2. Provide clear and specific examples from the film, including quotes or paraphrases from the selected reading as necessary to support your assertions. Be sure to properly integration any in text citations in MLA format. 

3. Add a Works Cited at the end of your analysis. (Don't forget to cite the film you watched, as well as the articles you referenced in your post).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Dream: “Crash” (2004) by Paul Haggis
Even though, racial tensions and stereotypes seem to dominate Crash (2004), the film tackles the theme of the American dream. In the cosmopolitan Los Angeles area, there are both American born people and those with an immigrant background all striving to fend for their families. The case in point is Daniel Ruiz a locksmith who faces numerous challenges in his quest to uplift his family social status (Haggis). Daniel gets into a misunderstanding with Farhad a shop owner when he seeks to change the locks, with Farhad assuming that the locksmith intended to steal (Haggis). This scene shows the challenges that Daniel faces in his daily work from distrustful customers and at times racial prejudice.
Even though, it is possible for individuals to achieve the American Dream there are obstacles that limit their progress in life. In the case of Detective Walters whose mother is a drug user, the American Dream fails to materialize because of those around him (Haggis). In the scene, ...
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