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Uncertainties and Racial Stereotypes in Achieving American Dream

Essay Instructions:

Based on the last paper you wrote,
Create your film argument essay on the film assigned (crash 2004 film). Your essay must have a strong argument thesis that asserts the connections between the American Dream theme and the film. Essay must use correct formatting according to MLA in terms of spacing, heading, font, indenting, in-text citation, works cited, etc. Please fill up the information to 3 whole pages. This week you will develop a 750-1250-word argument research paper based on the film, , and for which you have been doing various activities, such as engaging in a discussion and developing an annotated bibliography. Your goal is to develop an argument thesis that identifies with specific elements (characters, plot, and / or setting) of the film that reflect the achievement of the American Dream OR disillusionment with the American Dream. For this essay, you will be using at least 4 to 6 research sources. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The American Dream and Crash (2004) by Paul Haggis
The American Dream represents the belief that Americans can live a more fulfilling life regardless of the obstacles that they have to overcome. This includes immigrants in the country who share this vision with American born citizens. Even though, there are challenges that the characters in Crash face, they have hope and perseverance they will achieve their desires regardless of their place of origin and challenges that they encounter. This paper focuses on the notion that Americans can achieve the American Dream as in the film Crash, but uncertainties and racial stereotypes may derail this while optimism, inclusiveness and redemption offer hope.
In Crash the social and economic stratifications seem to be obstacles to the achievement of the America Dream. People are more comfortable to maintain their racial privacy and interacting with their peers who share their similarities in a diverse and cosmopolitan city that has changed its racial makeup over time (Hsu 137). Detective Walters an African American epitomizes this notion that it is possible for people to move up the social ladder, but then the breadth and depth of opportunities are limited given the stratifications in the society. However, Walters understands these structural barriers and although it is not possible for one person to eliminate them, personal responsibility plays a crucial role towards achieving goals.
To further highlight the need for people to take personal responsibility is the robbery case of the Cabot couple. The two robbers use the easy way out rather than struggle and they seem to blame the system for their woes without acknowledging that perseverance is rewarded in America. Crashes and the sudden meetings between people of the higher and low social status further highlight that the poor can aspire to achieve more. The resentment and conflict that characterizes the meeting between people of different races who are prejudiced against each other show that one needs to understand the context before they can exploit opportunities (Stewart 61).
Despite individual efforts to achieve goals and aspirations uncertainties may be a stumbling block to different people in the film. Daniel Ruiz the Mexican-American locksmith wishes to work more independently without facing mean remarks form the more affluent clients (Haggis). However, there are uncertainties and misunderstandings that occur because of his client’s assumptions. There is a class dilemma for the rich White couple who require the services of Daniel, but the wife looks down upon his work. Haggis seems to suggest that the White suburb people are far removed from the other people as they are more likely to assume that they are unlikely to encounter poverty around thei...
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