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3 pages/≈825 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.8

Why Advantages Outweigh the Disadvantages

Essay Instructions:

Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 25 Submitting a file upload

Assignment Basics



It has to be any expository essay, the topic has to be anything. whatever the writer chooses, as the client`s supervisor did not give her any topic.

Submit your first draft of your Expository Essay here before midnight Sunday, Aug 2nd. Important: If you submit late, you will not be able to participate in peer review.

Complete detailed peer reviews of three classmates' drafts before midnight Thursday, Aug 6th.

Assignment Details

By now, you should be ready to submit your first draft of your Expository Essay. After you submit your first draft of this essay, you will complete detailed peer reviews of three of your classmates' essays in order to give them constructive feedback and help them improve their work. You will receive feedback from your classmates on your essay draft as well. 

How to Complete a Peer Review:

Submit your first draft here by uploading it as a .doc file.

Once the assignment submission due date has passed and assignments have been redistributed for peer review, you can complete peer reviews of your classmates' work.

In the "To Do" list on the right of your screen, look for Assigned Peer Reviews.

Open the assignment, and click on each classmate's name to review his or her essay.

Click on the "view feedback" button to open the document for annotating, or download the document and use the Review feature in Microsoft Word to annotate it.

Next, add annotations (margin comments) to the assignment submission. For more information about how to annotate (add margin comments directly on your classmates' drafts) in Canvas, click here. 

Using the Comments box, provide general written comments on the submission. If you are Microsoft Word to annotate the document, add the annotated document to your comments as a file attachment.

Re-read the Peer Review Guidelines, and remember to be specific about the essay's strengths, about suggestions you have for the writer, and about corrections you believe should be made. (Remember, you do not need to correct every error you notice. Choose just a couple.) 

Once a classmate has finished reviewing your assignment, you can see his or her comments by checking your "View Feedback" list. You can then use the feedback you have received to revise and improve your essay before submitting a final draft for grading.


First draft essay responds to the assignment, meets the minimum length requirement, is complete (introduction, body, conclusion, Works Cited list), is readable (without major typos and errors) and is properly formatted according to MLA style. 10 points.

Peer Reviews of all assigned classmates' drafts are completed on time. Peer reviews are constructive and well-detailed (at least two specific comments per page, plus an end comment). They point out specific strengths of the essay, make specific suggestions for revision, and suggest specific corrections where needed. 15 points

Final Draft

Submit your final draft of your Illustration Essay here for grading. Before submitting, please make sure that you have:

Formatted your essay correctlyPreview the documentView in a new window

Checked the rubric below to make sure you have addressed all of the requirements

Proofread your essay carefully for spelling, capitalization, and typographical errors. (The best way to do this is to read it out loud!)


Illustration Essay

Illustration Essay

Criteria Ratings Pts

Focus, Purpose, and Audience: The essay is tightly focused and demonstrates an awareness of audience and a clear sense of purpose.

Full Marks

25 pts

No Marks

0 pts

25 pts

Content Development: The essay contains a compelling and well-detailed story or example that illuminates the topic in an interesting way.

Full Marks

25 pts

No Marks

0 pts

25 pts

Organization: There is a logical progression of ideas with a clear structure that enhances the main point. Paragraphing is effective, and transitions are mature and graceful.

Full Marks

25 pts

No Marks

0 pts

25 pts

Grammar, Mechanics, and Style: Grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization are correct. Sentences have varied structure.

Full Marks

25 pts

No Marks

0 pts

25 pts

Total Points: 100

I need 1page draft and 2 pages final draft

Thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:
In this time and age, academic education systems across the world over have no borders geographically or limitations on the extent to which one can pursue their academic interests. However, it is important to recognize that studying abroad has both its pros and cons. The pros and cons of studying abroad are determined by the uniqueness that universities possesses either locally or abroad. The important question that arises when examining this topic is whether the pros of studying abroad outweigh the cons (Jasmine 5). Based on a peer-reviewed research on this topic, the advantages of studying overseas outweighs its disadvantages. This paper seeks to provide reasons why the pros of studying abroad outweigh the cons by focusing on two fundamental reasons that lead to that conclusion which are standard of education and the promising future for students for overseas universities.
Why Advantages Outweigh the Disadvantages
Before discussing on the reasons why the advantages of studying overseas outweigh the disadvantages of the same, I will first provide a number of advantages as well as several disadvantages of studying abroad. The first advantage is the wide range of quality education from which a student can select from (Kasravi 15). This is an important advantage that has made students from across the globe over the years prefer to study abroad. Studying abroad provides students with essential exposure applicable in their careers after campus. Students abroad get to learn a lot of relevant new lessons that ranges from learning about new cultures, lifestyles, languages or meeting new people all of which are helpful to the students because they obtain positive new skills and traits. The students can then teach others when they go back to their countries of origin (Jasmine 8).
A common example is whereby students who come abroad get to interact with the local communities of that country and learn new language. Learning a new language exposes the student into new scopes of life that strengthen not only their individual identity but also their self-confidence. A peer reviewed research by Tracy (25) states that learning a new foreign language is closely associated with a stronger personality (Tracy 25). Learning a new International language can therefore be regarded as one of the most essential positive attributes for a student studying abroad.
Another advantage is that it improves on the Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the student especially for careers that involve international relations. This is because many employers have the opinion students from abroad universities possesses wider exposure in tackling diverse responsibilities in their jobs (Kasravi 16).
Studying in the local university has an advantage of low cost in comparison to studying overseas. One of the disadvantages that students abroad are exposed to is cultural differences and language barriers. The students in the local universities are not be exposed to that challenges. Another advantage for students i...
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