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What does it mean to be invisible?

Essay Instructions:


In writing your essay, be absolutely certain that

1) your essay actually answers the question being posed

2) you deploy the course’s required readings (both literary and critical) in making your case.

• You should be sure to consider all of the evidence available to you in constructing your answer, though of course only some of it will actually be included. In other words, select your evidence carefully.

***When you quote or paraphrase in the course of the essay--please include author and page numbers in inline citations. HOWEVER, there is no need to use a formal works cited page--but the texts you use should be listed at the end of the essay--author and title are sufficient***

Your exam essay should reflect your own thinking and writing. Discussing the question with others in the class is acceptable, but the final written product should be your own.


Burns, Anna. Milkman. Greywolf Press, 2018.

Rosenberg, Jordy. Confessions of the Fox: A Novel. Random House Publishing Group, 2018.

Rushdie, Salman. Quichotte: A Novel. Knopf Canada, 2019.

Shafak, Elif. 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World. Bloomsbury, 2019.

What does it mean to be invisible?

Using the course readings and an example drawn from the course, please explain (in a 250-350 word essay) what it means to be invisible.

You only have enough space and time to make a very limited argument--FOCUS your argument appropriately. This is not a philosophical think piece--so be specific about what it means to be invisible--related to a novel read this semester.

Please do NOT write a ranging op-ed piece about how marginalised people are rendered invisible--use a specific example drawn from the course to bolster, clarify, or support your focussed and singular argument.

Your main argument should be clearly stated and should be supported with concrete and specific evidence. Dig deeper not wider. MORE specific details--less broad statements.

Do not simply narrate or summarize the material of others. Do not create a shopping list of examples--focus as tightly as possible on a single and clear line of argument.

Show that there is thought behind your argument. Please resist the temptation to re-phrase previous assignments.

When you paraphrase or take a short quote, cite your source properly (author and page--with author and title of work listed at end of essay).

A paper that contains no references to course both literary and critical texts is not acceptable.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
What Does It Mean to be Invisible?
Invisibility does not necessarily entail having no physical appearance to the eyes. It does not always mean physical transparency. Instead, there are many ways to be transparent. People will not necessarily lack the ability to see our physicality. We would only have a minimal presence for the people to overlook us.
In Anna Burn's Milkman (2018), the young woman prefers to be far from people's peripheral views. Her habits and activities would only require her limited interactions with people, at most none. She is reading books that the majority do not prefer and is not interested in other intimate connections. She would rather live quietly and out of trouble despite the instability of her society (Burns).
The young woman in Milkman (2018) embodies social invisibility. Her existence and lifestyle depict a life that avoids attention from the crowd (Burns). It means that social invisibility puts someone o...
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