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The Scientific Revolution in 1660s

Essay Instructions:

Download and read "Arguing about Nothing: Henry More and Robert Boyle on the Theological Implications of the Void" by Jane E. Jenkins in Rethinking the Scientific Revolution. PDF available herePreview the document.

This reading illustrates an important characteristic of the Scientific Revolution. The science of this period still had to fit into the religious beliefs of the day.

In England, scientists and philosophers argued about and interpreted empirical data, and in this case, the data came from a new invention, the "Air Pump." This could pump most of the air out of a glass container, and it allowed scientists like Robert Boyle to conduct experiments inside the evacuated container. This created several scientific and religious problems. First, what is a vacuum? Was it possible for "nothing" to exist? Secondly, it created religious and theological problems about the causes of motion that the Air Pump generated. Was God responsible for this motion, or was it something else?

These may not sound like scientific problems today, but they certainly were in the 17th Century.

Your assignment is to read the article by Jenkins and outline its argument. In addition, explain the scientific and religious questions that the Air Pump experiments created. Also, please mention the different answers given by Henry More and Robert Boyle and why their interpretations were religiously acceptable or not.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Scientific Revolution
The scientific revolution has been an important topic in philosophy since the 1660s. Robert Boyle is one of the key figures in the scientific process and a prominent scientist of his day. He was an advocate of experimental science, arguing that theory ought to conform to observation. Boyle also championed openness in experimental result publication and the significance of recording even those experiments that did not work out.
From around 1652, Robert Boyle was working on several projects involving pneumatics, medicine, hydraulics, and chemical analysis. He involved himself with like-minded, natural philosophers and anti-Aristotelian, who considered his pneumatics work a paradigm of science. Apart from being one of the founders of modern science laboratories, Boyle's articles and books were in high demand across Europe during the scientific revolution (Jenkins).
Together with Robert Hooke, Boyle designed and enhanced an air pump capable of developing and sustaining a vacuum. He used this pump in performing many famous experiments. His air-pump experiments were published in 1660 (Jenkins, Jane E). By the time people learned about them, several scientific and religious questions were raising heated debates.
What is a vacuum?
Can a vacuum exist in the world?
Is matter infinitely divisible?
These experiments also resulted in theological and religious questions. These included; Is God responsible for the motion generated by the air pump? The 17th century is notable both for the number and variety of arguments provided to prove God's existence (Jenkins).
These experiments led to a controversy between Robert Boyle and Henry More, a famous Cambridge Platonist. More used these experiments to declare that they provided undeniable proof for an incorporeal spirit's activity on the matter. He made a first passing reference to Boyle's experiments in his Antidote against Atheism, published in 1662. More used these experiments to promote and support his theory claiming an immaterial spirit of nature that was operating on behalf of God to maintain the universal order. More argued that all experiment work must portray the real action of energy in nature (Jenkins).
At first, Boyle had decided to stay away from the public debate, believing...
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