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Management Styles: Question 1. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:





ILS 2090 Final ExamAnswer ONE of the ques.ons below by reading the accompanying materialsand thinking about the readings and videos we have done in class. Please be sure to follow the direc.ons for wri.ng the essay VERY carefully as your success in the exam will rely in part on following the direc.ons, which are meant to ensure breadth and depth in this cumula.ve assessment.Any reading or video that is in the Weekly Work folders is acceptable to use. Ques.ons:1. Analyze the management styles of manager-characters in three (3) of thereadings in terms of the management theories described in the aHached reading. In other words, you might say “the narrator in Orienta.on is an example of the Bombas.c Management Style theorized by John Smith. According to the Bombas.c Management Style, a manager should be selfconfident to an extreme, making all the workers’ decisions from what to where to what to eat to whom to marry.” Note: This is not a real theory.Use specific examples from the readings to support your analysis. Quota.ons are best if possible.You will ask about whether you can use 1 theory to apply to 2 or 3 readings/videos. Yes! The key is that you use THREE different readings or videos from our class to discuss. Then you can choose any of the theories to explain them.2. Guy Standing is a Bri.sh economist who has developed the term “precariat” to talk about part of the workforce today, a part that is characterized by job insecurity and loss of iden.ty and control. Read the aHached transcrip.on of his presenta.on about the changes in the workforce over the past 70 years. Using three (3) of the readings/videos, argue that Standing’s descrip.on of the new economy is either accurate orinaccurate. If you use readings/videos from older than 70 years ago, be sure to make a compara.ve analysis. Use specific examples from the readings to support your analysis. Quota.ons are best if possible

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Management Styles: Question 1
The way we work and the places we work determine our view of life and overall satisfaction. In a world where the human population exceeds the resources available to cater to it, unemployment can be high. However, even when people get jobs, most of the time, they do not satisfy them as they had hoped. As a result, people are always working to meet certain needs and achieve certain life goals. Below is a discussion on managers-characters' management styles in three readings/videos from class.
Dolores Dante works as a waitress in a local diner. She has worked there for more than fifteen years, and she continues to do so because she can. Based on the account provided by Dolores, it is clear that she uses Maslow's theory. According to Maslow's theory, people are driven by certain motivations, arranged in a triangle format from the lowest to the highest. At the bottom of the triangle are food, clothing, and shelter (Fisher 350). In Dolores's case, she has been able to achieve this. However, she needs to continue working to meet her social needs, ego needs, and self-actualization. As seen in the reading, Dolores has achieved her social needs as she goes on vacation with a lover and her children. However, she is yet to achieve her ego needs and self-actualization. Hence, as she states, "I won't give up this job as long as I'm able to do it." (Terkel 395).
In the video Ten Dollars an Hour, Leasse Williams is a cook for the Sigma Nu house at the University of Mississippi. Since she became a cook at the house, she has been earning ten dollars an hour. She and her two colleagues, at times, receive a 25 cent per hour raise (Guest). Despite the low wage she receives, Leasse is determined to continue doing her job. Key to this commitment is her desire to meet the organization's goals. The kind of m...
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