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What Does It Mean To Be Educated, And Who Decides That?

Essay Instructions:

You will choose one of the following prompts/topics to respond to with your essay:

1. What is the purpose of education, and do the education systems currently in place adequately meet that purpose? If not, what changes should be made to make schools more successful and effective?

2. What standards or criteria should we use to determine if a person is ‘educated’ or not, and when/why do we need to make these judgments in the first place?

3. If we accept that there are multiple definitions of ‘intelligence’ and what it means to be educated, how can we honor those differences while keeping our society and most important institutions (e.g., government, schools, the economy, community and cultural organizations, etc.) functional and cohesive?

In other words, how will we be able to determine if a person is qualified for a particular job, school, or other important positions if we don’t follow a set standard?

Assignment Requirements

✓ Academic essay structure: introduction, body, and conclusion ✓ Academic essay formatting: title, 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, 1inch margins, etc. ✓ Minimum of 3 pages ✓ First draft + revision after receiving instructor and peer feedback to produce final (graded) draft

Research Requirements

✓ A minimum of 4 sources to support your argument, combining class readings and your own research ✓ At least 2 of your sources must be original (i.e., not from our class readings) and demonstrate basic research literacy skills ✓ MLA-style in-text citation + a Works Cited page

Due Dates ➢ First draft of argumentative essay: Monday, October 1st bring 3 printed copies of your essay to class (1 for feedback from professor, 2 for peer feedback)

➢ Revised final draft of argumentative essay: Monday, October 8th submit/upload on Blackboard through Turnitin by 3:30pm

What to Include

Introduction Background information for your readers: - introduce the topic broadly, provide any necessary context for your discussion, and identify the importance/relevance of the topic in our lives

A clear thesis statement that identifies your viewpoint and the main idea/purpose of your essay (what you will be making an argument for)


At least three arguments/reasons that support and develop your thesis + supporting evidence for each of these arguments in the form of statistics, specific examples, quotations from experts, etc.

At least one counterargument that you address and refute with evidence


A summation of your arguments or perspective regarding the topic and a final statement or prediction about the future (for example, how might our ideas of what it means to be educated continue to change in light of technological advancements and globalization?)

Grading Criteria

This assignment will be worth a total of 100 points, contributing 15% of your final course grade.

The first draft of your argumentative essay will not be formally graded. However, if you submit your first draft late or do not submit a draft at all, this will negatively affect your grade for the entire assignment.

Late drafts will not receive feedback (which is the primary purpose of a first draft!) and will reduce your grade for the assignment by 3 points for each day it is late. Failure to submit a first draft will reduce your grade for the assignment by 15 points, meaning the highest grade you will be able to receive is a B.

Your assignment grade will come from the revised final draft of your essay, which you will submit after receiving feedback from the instructor and several classmates. This draft will be graded for content (60 points), cohesion and organization (10 points), research skills (10 points), and language use (20 points). I will provide a detailed grading rubric before you submit your final draft so that you understand specifically what each of these categories will be graded for.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name
Course No.
27th September 2018
The criteria we use to determine if a person is ‘educated.’
First and foremost, an educated person is persuasive. He possesses a great mind and can make intellectual arguments with a view of persuadingothersto accept his/herstandpoint (Hodgson 123). Furthermore, he is cognizant of the fact that he is on a progressive journey towards a higher calling and a degree of freedom. In this regard, he is constantly and perpetually pursuing a higher calling.While there exists nosingle standard or criteria for determining whether a person is educated or not, this essay examines the general attributes that educated people are expected to exemplify.
According to Epictetus, an ancient Greek Philosopher, educated persons epitomize freedom since education has nothing to do with academic certificates but rather defines how human beings ought to relate to each other (Hodgson 126). This implies that an educated person should exhibit psychosocialautonomy. A well educated person can be assessed based on their ability to initiate and maintain quality relationships (Liedtka 127).Additionally, he can be known by the type of friends that he surrounds himself with. A truly educated person will surround himself with equally educated people anddisplays a high degree of psychosocial independence. As a result, he stands outsince he can start and sustain an informative argumentwith peers and uneducated folks alike.
Educated people are open-minded and have an insatiable appetite and passion for the knowledge of the truth (Liedtka 127). In addition, they are able to apply this knowledge in their day to day life to attain financial freedom through innovative solutions. As a result, they are constantly engaged in a ceaseless search for the truth to satisfy this gaping appetite and as a result, develop a critical and inquisitive mindset (Hodgson 129).
According to Galileo Galilei, education focuses on learning as opposed to teaching and hence educated people can be known through their chronicpre-occupation with continuous learning (Hodgson 124). Educated people are usually pre-occupied with both physical and intellectual improvement. Galileo argued that a man could not be taught anything, except that he can be aided to discover and bring out what is already inherent in him. Thus, since education triggers self-discovery, it means that educated persons are on an endless journey of discovering who they are. Still, educated people exhibit a deep and genuine form of empathy, and always endeavor to discover and understand others as well (Kumar &Sajjad Para 4). They are not quick to judge but would usually withhold their opinions till such a time when they have facts. Still, educated people have the ability to process information to extract facts and have the ability to remain focused on the topic of discussion. In addition, they have exceptional language command that enables them to make logical and coherent arguments based on factual information rather than heresy. Subsequently, they are authoritative and have the potential of influencing decision making since they command respect from others who consider them knowledgeable.
Educated persons exhibit a high degree of sensitivity toward psychological, physical and moral issues and always strive to strike a balance. They have the ability to make sustainable decisions since they have a holistic perceptive and appreciate the importance of giving back to the society through corporate social responsibility. Also, they are sensitive to their own and other people’s culture, and are respectful of other conflicting cultural views or practices and are caring to everyone. Since culture significantly influence individual world view, educated pe...
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