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What defines you as a US citizen and why? Literature & Language Essay

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Write it in a simple way, use the simple word to write it, this is the discussion and easy essay.

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What defines me as a US citizen and why?
The concept of US citizenship has taken center stage over the last few years mainly because of the immigration issue. Some of the questions people have been asking themselves are should the immigrants be allowed in the country? Should they be granted citizenship? Should the children of illegal immigrants be allowed US citizenship? These questions can easily cause one to start questioning their right to be in a particular country, not just the US. However, for me, citizenship is more than the legal permission to be in a country.
First of all, I believe that what defines me as a US citizen is the simple fact that I have American citizenship. Well, this is quite important because I cannot be able to answer the question about what defines me as an American if am not an American citizen in the first place. So, having been granted American citizenship, I believe that this mere fact defines me as an American citizen.
The second thing that defines me as an American citizen is the fact that I respect American laws as well as the political institutions of the land. In every society, there are institutions that are highly esteemed and laws that limit the extremes. These ought to be respected and their sovereignty recognized. As a US citizen, one should know about these institutions as well as the laws. By learning and understanding the laws, one can know how best to fit in the system and how best to work within the system. Additionally, one can know how protected or how the laws shield them from evils and the extremes of the society.
Another thing that defines me as a U.S. citizen...
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