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Newcomers and the host country

Essay Instructions:
The paper must be 3 to 5 pages. You must use a minimum of 5 sources from the readings. No outside sources. ONLY MATERIALS/READINGS FROM THE COURSE. -Must cite all work used -Proper citation throughout the text -No late papers or assignments without proper documentation -Late assignments will be penalized -All written work must be double-spaced, typed, and in 12 pt. Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins. -For proper paper format and citation guidelines, please refer to an MLA stylebook. -Paginate all work and staple all work in the upper left-hand corner. -Proof read all your work before turning in your assignments.
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Newcomers and the host country
Over the last few decades there has been many oppressed and poor people wishing to leave their origin countries to go and seek for better living conditions in the affluent and developed countries (Carens 1992, 252). This means that there is very little justification to keep these people out the host countries by blocking their entry or subjecting them to further sufferings compared to what are in their countries of origins. Considering most contemporary approaches to political theory, it is evident that they all converge at the advocacy for open borders for the people who genuinely want to enter a foreign country (Bauböck 2010, 848).
However, the host countries should have the right to set the conditions that must be fulfilled by the foreigners seeking residence in these countries. This makes it easy to scrutinize the foreigners prior to their entry into such countries following the laid down guidelines that that are determined by a pre-set checklist of conditions. Moreover, the host state or society also has the demands which the newcomers should fulfill in order to continue staying there (Bosniak 2006, 58; Brubaker 1990, 385).
Therefore, there are conditions that the host country accepts newcomers which form the grounds for making a decision of who should or should not enter the country. These conditions include; that, they should be peaceful and did not steal private property or trespass on it and they should also not have violated human rights of other individuals. In addition, their relocation should be guided by a genuine reason thereby making their entry and stay in the host country easy. The main reason as to why these conditions are set is to ensure that there is appropriate basis which acts as the reference point for exclusion of aliens. These conditions are necessary in making sure that the state’s procedure to exclude aliens can also be used to exclude its citizens as well.
Therefore, these conditions that are set by the host country play a critical role in determining the essential criteria for allowing entry of aliens into the country. Moreover, alleviation of discrimination in the process of entry into the host country by aliens is also promoted by ensuring the conditions are succinctly clear to the potential aliens since the prerequisite requirements are explicitly outlined (Carens 1992, 266). Also these conditions are usually aimed at ensuring that even the liberal states have a mechanism to control the admission of aliens for the purpose of maintaining the country’s distinct character.
Considering that it is not obvious for aliens to be allowed entry and admission into a foreign country, once admitted there are several demands that they are required to fulfill in most cases eve...
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