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Why I Am Not a Conservative

Essay Instructions:
briefly summarize Hayek's arguments made in the essay. Specifically, what does he see as the main drawbacks of conservative political ideology? What does Hayek prefer to call himself politically? Finally, does this mean that modern conservatives should not be followers of Hayek, since he clearly did not like them? http://www(dot)lewrockwell(dot)com/orig6/hayek1.html
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Date 18/06/2012
Why I Am Not a Conservative
In the real sense, Hayek sees many things as being the main drawbacks of conservative political ideology. For instance, he claims that conservatism cannot provide an alternative towards the direction where people are moving. According to Hayek, conservatism may succeed through its resistance to present tendencies in lowering down unwanted developments. On the contrary, due to the fact that it is unable to indicate direction, it fails to deter their continuance. Hence, conservatism is normally dragged along a route of which it has not chosen. In addition, from its own view point, conservative dreads new ideas. This is because it lacks its own distinctive principles of its own to provide opposition. Additionally, through its theory of distrust and its inadequate imagination pertaining anything with an exception with something in which experience has been proved already, it deprives itself of the warfare required in the struggle of ideas. Whereas liberalism holds a basic belief in the extended power of ideas, conservatism is normally bound by stock of ideas passes at a given time. Likewise, since conservatism fails to exceedingly believe in argumentative power, its last option is simply a claim to superior wisdom founded upon some self-arrogated superior quality (Green 250).
Generally, it can be asserted that conservatism fails offer objection to arbitrary or coercion power for a long time as it is used for only right purposes. Furthermore, Hayek observes that conservatism normally lacks principles. However, this does not mean that it is devoid of moral conviction. Actually, conservatism lacks political principles which enable it to function with individuals whose moral values are different from its own for an order of politics where both can obey their convictions.
In the actual sense, it is normally the recognition of these principles that paves the way for the coexistence of distinct sets of values which allows the building of a peaceful society alongside a minimum force. Conservatism also harbors what we call the fear of change. A conservative individual normally feel safe and contented supposing he/she gets assurance that some high wisdom watches and supervises change. This only applies if this individual is aware that some authority is mandated with maintaining the change in an orderly manner. Certainly, the fear for trusting uncontrolled social forces is actually associated with two other features of conservatism. These features include its attractiveness to authori...
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